W+iA Home

First iteration of the PSU W+iA logo!

Welcome to the website for the Penn State Women and Underrepresented Genders in Astronomy (W+iA) group! We discuss things related to gender, astronomy, academia, inclusivity, and science. This group is for people who identify as women or any other gender that is underrepresented in astronomy, physics, engineering, or related fields. This group is open to people at all stages of professional astronomy including but not limited to: undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, post-docs, and research staff.

W+iA exists to provide a space for women and other underrepresented genders to feel welcome in the PSU Astro department and to work towards making our department more diverse, inclusive, and equitable for women and underrepresented genders. To learn more about these goals and how we work to accomplish them, check out our Mission Statement.

Check out our Calendar to see what we’re up to this semester!

One of our large projects was the creation of the ever-growing W+iA Library in 530 Davey Lab which contains books (fiction and non-fiction) that are relevant to the group’s goals and physical copies of our resources (articles or links that have been discussed at previous meetings as well as original content by the group).

Check out our Photo Gallery for some fun W+iA pictures (social events, the W+iA Library, and other W+iA relevant things)

We keep brief public meeting minutes here so you can see what we’ve recently been up to.

Take a look around! If you have any questions, please contact the current group leader: Laura Duffy (lrd48@psu.edu).

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