Media Systems Take Libya (Post 1)

It is always nice to see areas that usually have no media interaction working towards being involved with up and coming Internet communication. Libya is an area that normally would have no local media, social media, or even world wide media involvement. Not only does the nation of Libya lack on the nation wide involvement but also they were also unavailable when it came to huge world wide news such as wars or terrorist attacks. Media in Libya was extremely dictated by the government, Could you imagine not being allowed you know if there was an attack or a major natural disaster somewhere in the work because your media was so strictly regulated?


In an interview with Abdul Hafeedh Ghoga there were many interesting points made both defending and negating the need for media systems in Libya. The interview, which was conducted by Habib Toumi, the Bureau Chief at the Gulf News, included mostly the positive direction that Libya was moving it. “After four decades of autocratic rule, Libya is now in a position to create an independent, national media system that meets the needs of its people,” Abdul Hafeedh Ghoga, Vice Chairman of the National Transitional Council, said to Habib Toumi.

Also in that interview “”These principles and action items will serve as guideposts as we seek to put in place the type of media environment required by a vibrant, modern state. We are grateful to Northwestern University in Qatar and the many international experts who shared their insights during this unprecedented conference,” said Ghoga who headed the Libyan delegation and co-chaired the conference.”

This reference refers to the face that students from Northwestern University from America are volunteering there time where they feel it is necessary to help the people of Libya become media system independent. The people of Libya are more that grateful and welcoming of our help. They are aware that us here in the united state know what is going on.


I personally find it comforting that we can use our knowledge of technology and our outstanding media systems to help the people of Libya. How do you feel about us being in other nations sharing our information and trying to better nations that are not our own?


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