Plastic Problems

Plastic. The revolutionary invention that changed humanity for the better, or so we thought. Plastic is a part of everyday life for millions of people across the globe. It’s in our packaging, clothes, electronics, appliances, and much more. Although it is a flexible and relatively useful material, it takes a much greater toll on the environment than the first users of plastic ever could have imagined. Unfortunately, while some plastic…

Allergies on the Rise

Earlier today, when I was checking out the news, I saw a headline that really stood out to me. CBS drew me in with a short video titled “how climate change is impacting seasonal allergies”. Could it be true? My allergies really have been worse in recent years? Unfortunately that answer is yes. The two minute news feature enlightened me to the fact that allergy season has indeed been getting…

A Jungle Without the Trees

Concrete jungles are ironically some of the least green places on the planet. That is why it is crucial that we have green spaces in cities to counter the negative effects of urban areas. Pocket parks in particular can be a great solution for including green areas in tight spots (like city blocks). Pocket parks are miniature green spaces –typically less than an acre in size– which are created in…

Eliminating Emissions, By The Mile

Electric and hybrid cars have been rapidly moving more into the mainstream. In just the last decade, sales have skyrocketed across the globe. On the surface, this spike in popularity for electric vehicles seems like a great move for the environment, but let’s dig a little deeper into this issue. As we all know, gas powered cars are not exactly lending a hand to the environmental movement, but is switching…

Healthy Food, Healthy Planet

Have you ever considered growing your own food? If not, you might want to start now. Growing your own garden may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it certainly has some great environmental benefits. Those fresh vegetables aren’t just healthy for us humans, they may be helping to heal the environment too. Green Matters mentions a few of the major impacts that home gardening can have for the earth.…

The Truth About Paper Straws

We all know the infamous paper straws that have taken over the performative activist side of social media. Many business around the US have chosen to make the swap from plastic to paper in an effort to get in the environmental advertising game. Some countries even banned the use of plastic straws in an effort to encourage companies to make more environmentally conscious choices. Naturally, these business usually turn to…