Let’s go Redskins?

Come on, Cowboys! Let’s go, Seminoles! Some of our favorite sports teams revolve around a mascot with deep history. But is representing a mascot like the Washington “Redskins” or the Florida State “Seminoles” truly appropriate in today’s society?

Florida State Seminole mascot during a Game

Almost five years ago, the controversy around the questionable mascot names of several different universities or professional sports teams heightened as many disagreed in the usage of the names. The topic boils down to the following sides: are these organizations using the term as a ‘slur’ to the history of these cultures or is the term used out of honor for how these terms represent the past and present of the Native American people? To further analyze the topic, I will focus on the Washington Redskins, as it easily the most controversial mascot.


Native Americans protesting the use of the Mascot

Many people view the team “Redskins” as a slur to derogate the history of the Native Americans. In fact, an organization called “Change the Name” actively campaigns for the name of the Washington Redskins from this racial slur to something more appropriate for a team playing in the nation’s capital. Back by the Oneida Indian Nation, this organization believes that it is the National Football League’s (NFL) duty to step in and force a name change. Throughout their articles and website, they refer to the term “Redskins” as the “R-word”, further emphasizing the fact that it should never be used. The organization truly views the word as a damaging effect on Native American culture and often calls out Roger Goodell to end the use of the racial epithet in the NFL.


Redskins fan urging to “keep the name”

On the other hand, the Washington Redskins believe they use the word and mascot to honor the history of the Native Americans. During a usual Washington Redskins game, fans often sing “Hail to the Redskins” and cheer for the mascot as the team succeeds throughout the season. Calling themselves the “Redskin Nation”, the Washington Redskins argue that the team embraces the culture and are honored to be called the “Redskins” as a team and organization. The Washington Redskins organization has spoken out to the press about the topic, proclaiming they will never change the name due to the deep roots it has in the American culture, and the importance of the team in its city.

Cartoon on the Controversy of the Mascot

Although I am excited to hear other’s unbiased opinions on this topic, I am partially split between both sides of the argument. In some sense, I do believe that it is just a name and the Washington Redskins organization truly honors the history of the Native American culture. They have never, in my recent memory, used the term in an insensitive way toward those who the term originates from. Also, there are multiple accounts of Native Americans stating they do not find the term “Redskin” offensive in any manner. On the other hand, I side with the Native American people today. It is their culture, and if they believe the word is offensive as a collective unit, then I also believe the word is offensive. Although it might not be the most pressing topic in the world, I do believe if a majority of the Native Americans believe that this word is used as a racial slur and should be changed, then something should be done to hear those complaints. What are your thoughts?

Thank you for reading. Signing off, Woz.


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