A Posteriori Error Estimates for Self-Similar Solutions to the Euler Equations, Simulation Source code

The preprint of the paper has been posted on arXiv, (joint work with Alberto Bressan). You can find the preprint at http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.01962.

The paper is accepted for publication in DCDS-A, 2020.

Here you can find the codes for numerical simulations. All the numerical simulations are carried out in Matlab. There are 3 files:

  • InitVort.m : the function that computes the initial vorticity.
  • PoissonA.m : compute the stiffness matrix using a finite difference method
    to solve the Poisson equation in 2D, on a rectangle.
  • MainRun.m the main code, with the time-loop, plotting etc.

Here are some sample Figures:

The simulation result with one single spiral:

The simulation result that contains two spirals:

Welcome to Wen Shen’s Website

Wen Shen

Wen Shen

Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics Department
Eberly College of Science
The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802, USA


Office: 223A McAllister
Email: wxs27 AT psu DOT edu

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