An ad for workout equipment is perfectly suited for a Men’s Health magazine. This is why it is a clear choice for Walmart to advertise their Smart Technology workout machines. In this advertisement we see the use of the Men’s Health brand and the trust its readers have become the primary focus. This establishes the meaning of the advertisement by giving the message that Men’s Health knows what good workout equipment is. We also see the use of a simple graphical design to change the focus to the sleek and simple designs of the machines. This advertisement as a whole feeds on the cultural narrative that being physically fit makes you a better person.
The primary focus of this advertisement is selling the Smart Technology workout machines to the Men’s Health audience. This is done through the ethos of the magazine as a representation of all things involved in Men’s health. It even says in the advertisement “Built and Tested by our Editors” which shows how the magazine’s outwardly professional opinion is an outstanding endorsement of the product. It also includes a reference to Men’s Health partner magazine Women’s Health, this shows a secondary endorsement and further supports the idea of a purchase for anyone who is interested in exercise. This is all supported by the sleek and professional look in the ad design.
We see the darkness with a light shining on the equipment in a way that shows the focus of the advertisement in a sleek and simple way. This helps to draw the audience in and could imply that these are simple and highly efficient machines. The concept is also supported by the text style because it draws your attention from the equipment just long enough to give important information and the endorsement before you can return to the machines themselves. I also believe that the display of different types of machines helps draw out a positive feeling towards the many options available. This helps establish a logical argument for the reader on why they should buy the product.
The article uses language that tells you exactly what the equipment will help you do, own your workout. This further pushes the reader to wanting to buy the workout machines. When it references “no excuses, just results” it tells the reader what they can expect and pushes the question to the workouts that they will do rather than if they will buy the product.
As a whole the advertisement establishes reasoning and meaning as to why this purchase could be good for them and the language hammers the point home by making them confident in their decision. This ad makes sense because it is targeted towards an audience passionate about their health, people who will appreciate the value in the equipment and the ads can do or will do attitude. Overall I believe that this advertisement pushes the reader to believe in the importance of being physically fit.