
  1. 2025/1. Dr. Hu was interview by WPMT (channel 43), a television station, to talk about EV in cold weather
  2. 2024/11. We are thrilled to have been awarded a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to fund training for emergency responders working with medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles.
  3. 2024/8: A Note from Neeli: Penn State steering the future of autonomous vehicles
  4. 2024/6: We were super excited and honored to host Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi and her executive team at the LTI test track. (See Penn State Research article and LTI post)
  5. 2024/4: Congratulations to Qing Tang, she will become a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University starting July 2024!
  6. 2024/4: We’re organizing a workshop titled “Infrastructure Support and Impact in Autonomous Vehicle Deployment” at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium. See you in June in Jeju island, South Korea!
  7. 2024/2: We hosted a visit from PSU ITE (institute of transportation engineers) group. Check out College of Engineering’s Instagram and LinkedIn post.
  8. Yang (Chris) Song defended his dissertation. He will join ElectroTempo as a Data Scientist.
  9. 2023/8: Welcome Yuxin Ding, a new PhD student, to join our lab!
  10. 2023/7: Qing Tang defended her dissertation. She will become a postdoc researcher at Georgia Tech.
  11. 2023/3: USDOT SMART program has funded our research project titled “ATMA for Work Zone Safety”. We are working with five State DOTs (CO, MN, WI, OK and CA) to deploy ATMA nationwide under a diverse environment.
  12. 2022/11: Qing Tang received the Mark E. and Claire L. Alpert Graduate Fellowship from PennState. The fellowship will cover the tuition and stipend for 2023 Spring semester. Congratulations Qing!
  13. 2022/11: It was a beautiful Friday afternoon, we had five visitors from CRCOG and CATA bus visited us at the LTI test track.
  14. 2022/11: Three representatives from AstaZero (the leading automated transport system test facility in Sweden) and Chalmers University of Technology visited PennState and LTI test track.
  15. 2022/10: Two legislative staff members from U.S. Congressman Glenn Thompson’s office visited LTI and toured the test track while sitting on our autonomous vehicle.
  16. 2022/9: We were lucky to have Mr. Wayne Langerholc Jr. Senate of District 35 visited Larson Transportation Institute at PennState. Our group gave the Senator a ride around the test track. [video link]
  17. 2022/6: Dr. Hu organized a TRB Webinar titled “Saving Lives with Autonomous Truck Mounted Attenuator Systems“, which is jointly sponsored by AKR10 Committees on Maintenance and Operations Management and ACP30 Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation. (Slides and video recordings). The webinar attracted almost 300 attendees.
  18. 2022/6: Qing Tang was awarded the Leo P. Russell Graduate Fellowship at PennState. Congrats Qing!
  19. 2022/4: Yang (Chris) Song won the first place poster competition award, with $2,000 cash, in the 2023 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure, at Ann Arbor, MI. Congrats Yang!
  20. 2022/2: The full-sized autonomous vehicle has arrived at PSU. The group will be busy testing and exploring many cool features of the vehicle!
  21. 2022/1: Dr. Hu was promoted to be the Committee Research Coordinator of TRB Committee of Maintenance and Operations Management (AKR10). Look forward to better support the committee in the new role and work with stakeholders in the field!
  22. 2021/11: Our work on Autonomous Vehicles for Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance was featured by TRB (Link)
  23. 2021/10: Our research on streetlight charging was featured by Kansas City Voter Guide, titled “Down the road from Kansas City, a small Missouri town charges ahead on electric vehicles.”
  24. 2021/10: Our research on streetlight charging was featured by Missouri Business Alert, titled “‘It’s really everyone’s responsibility’: Making electric vehicles viable in Missouri
  25. 2021/9: Penn State is ranked as #63 Best National University, by the 2022 U.S. News & World Report (Link). Penn State is also ranked #75 in the Best National University Rankings by US News (Link).
  26. 2021/8: The Smart Mobility research group is transitioning to Penn State University, we are excited about the journey ahead. Current team members include XB Hu, Qing Tang, Chris Song, and Chenxi Chen.
  27. 2021/4: Our research on transportation electrification was featured by Renewable Energy Magazine, titled “Growing Need for EV Charging Stations in US.”
  28. 2019/5: Our research on using driving simulator to test highway design was covered by media, titled “Students use a driving simulator to test roadway design before construction
  29. 2019/4: UTC award: Missouri S&T received the latest National University Transportation Center “National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability and Life-Extension (TriDurLE)” as a partner university. Dr. Hu is a Co-PI on this important grant. (Link)
  30. 2015/8. Startup company “Metropia” was featured on Arizona Daily Wildcat. “New app to aid traffic flow.”
  31. 2013/9. Startup company “Metropia” was featured KGUN­TV, channel 9 (KGUN-9). “No more traffic jams: UA startup company designs new mobile app”.
  32. 2013/9. Startup company “Metropia” was featured by Startup Tucson. “Mobile Traffic App from Tucson Startup Brings New Solution for Congestion.”