Breakfast: The Right Way to Start Your Day
Everyone always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I never seemed to eat that early in the morning when I was at home. I’ve always wanted to change that and now that I’m out on my own, I can finally make that change for myself.
There were always a lot of breakfast foods in my house, usually consisting of a few different types of cereals, a variety of fresh fruit, and toast. I would never wake up in time to eat any of it though because I would usually get up exactly 13 minutes before my bus came or before I drove to school. I knew exactly how much time I needed in the morning and I really had it down to a science.
As I got older, I kept reading about how breakfast was important and helped growth. I never really cared much for eating in the morning even after reading about how it could help me.
During quarantine and over the summer, I started to eat breakfast more because I had the time in the morning. I had never felt better about myself physically and mentally after I started to eat in the mornings, and I regretted not starting to do that earlier.
As I kept getting up and eating breakfast, I realized that it would be a healthy habit for me to do the same while I was at college. I kept thinking to myself that I would eat breakfast every day and I would try new things because the menus would be different. I wanted to feel as good as I did during the summer for the rest of the year, and the years to come.
I moved into Simmons on a Monday around 4 PM and after meeting people that whole day, I decided that I was going to wake up and eat breakfast the next morning. Little did I know that it would change the way that my college career would begin.
When I walked into Redifer the next morning, I ate a healthy breakfast consisting of fruits and some French toast sticks, and as I continued on through the rest of my day, I felt more energetic than I ever did in the morning when I was in high school.
Without eating right in the morning, I definitely would not have found the energy to make new friends and explore the brand new place I was in. I know the importance of breakfast in a healthy diet now, and I will always remember to eat in the morning.
September 3, 2020 at 2:30 pm
When I was in high school, I would never eat anything for breakfast. Now in college, I have started to eat more in the mornings and drink more water throughout the day. My first breakfast experience at Redifer seems to be completely different from yours. I got oatmeal, but the consistency and taste weren’t so great. It also didn’t help that it was lukewarm!
September 3, 2020 at 3:36 pm
I can totally relate with the not eating breakfast thing. Even with Covid putting us on break I would only eat two meals a day because my sleep habits would leave me waking up at 12pm. It is only now that classes have started that I am beginning to eat 3 meals of day and I notice that I have more energy as well.
September 3, 2020 at 7:24 pm
I too rarely or never eat breakfast just because I never feel that hungry that early in the morning. It is very interesting though how quickly that change positively influenced how awake and productive you were able to be. Makes me wonder if some breakfast foods would do the opposite and make you more tired still? Is a donut from Dunkin Donuts the same as having fresh fruit with whole grain toast? Very interesting, I might start eating breakfast to see for myself!
September 10, 2020 at 3:20 pm
I never used to eat breakfast more school last year either because, similar to you, I would just wake up too late. I feel the same way, I definitely had my morning schedule in high school down to a science, with zero room for any changes, much less the addition of eating breakfast! Now, I don’t think I could function without food in the morning. In our dorm room in Atherton, my roommate and I have granola, fruits and yogurt to ensure we stay healthy and stay away from the Freshman 15! But, the Dining Hall’s scrumptious desserts are not making it easy on us.