Breakfast: The Right Way to Start Your Day

Everyone always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I never seemed to eat that early in the morning when I was at home. I’ve always wanted to change that and now that I’m out on my own, I can finally make that change for myself.

There were always a lot of breakfast foods in my house, usually consisting of a few different types of cereals, a variety of fresh fruit, and toast. I would never wake up in time to eat any of it though because I would usually get up exactly 13 minutes before my bus came or before I drove to school. I knew exactly how much time I needed in the morning and I really had it down to a science.

As I got older, I kept reading about how breakfast was important and helped growth. I never really cared much for eating in the morning even after reading about how it could help me.

During quarantine and over the summer, I started to eat breakfast more because I had the time in the morning. I had never felt better about myself physically and mentally after I started to eat in the mornings, and I regretted not starting to do that earlier.

As I kept getting up and eating breakfast, I realized that it would be a healthy habit for me to do the same while I was at college. I kept thinking to myself that I would eat breakfast every day and I would try new things because the menus would be different. I wanted to feel as good as I did during the summer for the rest of the year, and the years to come.

I moved into Simmons on a Monday around 4 PM and after meeting people that whole day, I decided that I was going to wake up and eat breakfast the next morning. Little did I know that it would change the way that my college career would begin.

When I walked into Redifer the next morning, I ate a healthy breakfast consisting of fruits and some French toast sticks, and as I continued on through the rest of my day, I felt more energetic than I ever did in the morning when I was in high school.

Without eating right in the morning, I definitely would not have found the energy to make new friends and explore the brand new place I was in. I know the importance of breakfast in a healthy diet now, and I will always remember to eat in the morning.