Talk to Someone: It Can Help

Until just a few weeks ago, I was pretty closed off to people when it came to talking about my feelings and other things like that. I didn’t really like talking to people about things that I had trouble understanding myself, but recently I have realized the importance of talking to others about the things that I didn’t use to like talking about.

Talking to other people can relieve your brain of pressure that has been built because of the stress that holding things within yourself can create. I did not know that until one of my friends sat me down and explained why it was beneficial to talk things out with people.

I was hesitant at first, but when I finally began I realized that I felt better almost immediately. I was pretty scared to open up, but when she told me that talking and opening up to other people can be one of the most cathartic options, I was a little less scared. Once I started to talk about what was going on, I felt better and I felt as though someone had removed a weight off of my shoulders.

I learned that talking to someone about things that are going on can be extremely beneficial for me in a number of different ways. Not only did I feel better, but I was able to receive feedback from my friend about the things that I had been dealing with.

In addition to feeling better and receiving feedback on my problems, I felt like I was actually closer to my friend after we had that conversation. It felt as though we had crossed a barrier which kept us from getting closer and now that I have tried doing this with my other friends as well, it feels as though I am much closer with them as well.

One of the most important things that I learned is that there is a newfound trust and respect which is formed when someone opens up to another person, especially if it something that is a new occurrence. Without realizing that I needed to talk to someone, I would have held in the emotions and feelings and it would have been extremely detrimental for me.

Whether it be a trusted friend, partner, therapist, or someone else you feel comfortable talking to, talking to others about your feelings and general problems can be extremely beneficial.

Now that I know that it helps so much, I will definitely try to be more open and willing to share.