Eat Some Ice Cream: You Can’t Always Be Healthy

I went back and read some of my blog posts from this passion blog and realized that it sounds like I’m preaching that every action that everyone should take should be inherently healthy for them. This is simply false. I know, probably better than most…, that it is not always possible to be super healthy.

That being said, go and eat some ice cream. I find that one of the best pick-me-ups is when I eat something that I think of as a “comfort food.” For me, ice cream or some other type of sweet is always my go-to for when I need comfort food.

Eating comfort foods is actually more important than you’d think. When your brain feels overwhelmed, there is usually a release of a chemical called “dopamine.” Dopamine is an incredibly important neurotransmitter in your brain and it essentially makes you feel happy and aids in improving a person’s attention and motivation.

One of the most glaring examples of when it is crucial for a person to have an increase in dopamine in their brain is when they are stressed. Usually, when someone gets super stressed, they lose their ability to focus and their motivation decreases because they are being overwhelmed. This is especially common in college students, such as ourselves, because there can be times when we’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and need a chance to just get away. There might be too much work for people to do, or too much anxiety about an upcoming exam, or even just stress about what to do on the weekend.

So, there is a good reason for everyone to find something that they find as a comfort food. Not only does it help with the stress, but it also makes you feel better because of the release of dopamine in your brain. There is always some way to feel better when you are stressed, and I would highly recommend finding something that allows you to get the release of dopamine.

If you are ever feeling an excessive amount of stress, find a comfort food that can bring you stress relief. I personally try to eat a little ice cream when I feel the stress starting to pile up on me and I find that I always feel a little better after.

Of course, this post would not be complete if I didn’t tell you guys that everything should be done in moderation so that it remains healthy. If you eat too much of any of your comfort foods, it will start becoming bad for you, so just make sure that you do whatever you do in moderation.