Stay Hydrated: Drink Some Water

So I’ve been extremely busy over the past week or two because it’s midterm season here at Penn State. I found myself not getting enough sleep, not eating well, and, most importantly, not drinking enough water. I combated not getting enough sleep at night with taking naps, fought the unhealthy foods I was eating by working out, but I just didn’t drink enough water. So, I decided to look into what that could do to me and why it was actually important for people to drink water and I was shocked by what I found.

The first thing that I found out is that by drinking water, not only are you regulating the stasis (state of being) of your body, but also you are actually regulating your body temperature as well. It’s getting hot again here in State College and that means that you’re going to be sweating more than you were during those few cold weeks. It is even more important to drink water now because that is how your body will maintain homeostasis and your blood cells won’t start to lyse (explode). Your body starts to sweat because your surroundings are hotter than your body is used to and that is how you tend to stay cool, but it is incredibly important to refill your body with the water that you are losing through your sweat.

The next thing that I found is something that I learned in AP Biology in high school. By drinking water, you actually help protect your spinal cord, joints, and other body tissues as well. Water essentially acts as a lubricant for your joints and can help protect your body while you engage in physical activity. This is especially important for anyone who enjoys going on runs or lifting because if you do not drink enough water, you can put yourself at risk for joint damage and increased scar tissue.

Finally, the most interesting thing that I learned about why drinking water is important is that it can actually help you fight illnesses. For example, you can help defend yourself against illnesses such as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, fevers, and many more. Obviously, you can’t defend against coronavirus, but it can still help you avoid a bunch of painful illnesses that you should try to avoid getting anyway.

We’ve always been told that drinking water is really important, but no one ever actually told us why. After reading about it and figuring out that water has so many properties that can help me, I won’t forget to drink water again.