I don’t think I could I write this blog without mentioning one of my favorite artists, Mac Miller, so for this week’s topic I will be focusing on a couple of his songs from his album “Swimming”.
To start off with some background, Mac grew up in the inner city of Pittsburgh, and initially began his career with a trendy, frat-style pop rap. Although his initial sound was kind of obnoxious, his music soared in popularity. His first albums featured heavy themes of childhood, college parties, and recreational drug use.
Instead of continuing the trends his music blew up on, however, Mac decided to switch up his next few albums and focus on R&B, neo-soul, and jazz-influenced styles. Diverging from his core audience was risky, but he soon was met with a lot of positive feedback as old fans matured along with his music and new fans were attracted to his new releases. His fourth studio album, “The Divine Feminine”, was themed in love and focused on his two-year relationship with Ariana Grande.
Only about a month after its release though, Mac and Ariana split up, and the world’s eyes were on Mac to see his reaction to the breakup. Shortly after his relationship ended, he got a DUI after crashing his Mercedes into power pole. It was no secret that he had struggled with drug addiction in the past, but it was clear that Mac was starting to go down the same fatal path again.
Finally, the “Swimming” album was released to the public. Some of the songs on the album were light with a funky, jazzy beat, however most of the lyrics consisted of deeper, darker meaning, giving the album a more depressing tone overall. Just over a month after the album was publicized, Mac accidentally overdosed in his California home.
No one was expecting his death, but as fans started to revisit his last tracks, his lyrics about his struggle with addiction became more apparent. In “Self Care”, for example, he says:
Didn’t know what I was missin’, now I see a lil’ different
I was, thinkin’ too much, got stuck in oblivion, yeah, yeah
In this, it is clear that Mac is referring to a drug-induced state when mentioning “oblivion”. As he is attempting to leave the cycle of addiction, he sees the world around him differently, causing him to reflect on past thoughts. In another track titled “Small Worlds”, Mac expresses his loneliness at his peak of fame:
You never told me bein’ rich was so lonely
Nobody know me; oh, well
Hard to complain from this five-star hotel
Although he was at his highest point of popularity, success, and wealth, his happiness was dwindling as he was coping with a difficult breakup and battle with drugs. His dark lyrics and unfortunate passing stunned the world, but his collection of music and relatable struggles left a positive lasting impact on his fans.
In conclusion, Mac Miller’s music and legacy will continue to stick around far past his length of life. Even if someone hasn’t experienced similar battles with addiction or the downsides of national fame, the feelings of self-reflection, loneliness, and other inner-struggles are something that certainly everyone can relate to.
Sorry if this week’s blog was a little depressing, I promise the next one will be on a bit of a lighter note!! 🙂
Songs featured in this blog:
Self care- https://youtu.be/SsKT0s5J8ko
Small Worlds-Â https://youtu.be/nHc_7yeiLvc
I really liked how you did a very thorough deep dive on the history and circumstances surrounding the album and the artist. I’ve heard of Mac Miller before and have listened to some of his newer music but I had no idea what the story was behind it. I think you did a really great job describing the impact that this album had as well! I’ll definitely have to listen to this album sometime!
I’ve listened to Mac Miller before but I never knew a lot about his history and past. Also his more personal life and how he struggled with drug use throughout his career. The way you depicted his life and how his music evolved throughout the years was really intriguing, great job!