E-Portfolio Ideas

Out of the websites to choose from to platform my e-portfolio, I am thinking of using Wix. After exploring the different website options, I have come to the conclusion to use Wix because of its ease of use and drag & drop features. It is also easy to create a nice looking design and there are many different designs to choose from. I decided not to use Weebly because it is harder to use than Wix and sometimes it is difficult to create a good looking design on WordPress.

As far as the concept for my e-portfolio, my main ideas are to either create a modern, professional site to display my accomplishments and interests, or create a site that exhibits my hobbies and life at Penn State for my friends back home. In the first professional idea, I could include some of my volunteer/work experiences, passion projects, and related hobbies or interests in the different tabs. The website would be made for internship opportunities or employers who want more background about the things that I’ve listed. I could include RCL projects such as Advocacy project or even my paradigm shift paper from last semester. In the second option, I could include tabs such as activities I am involved with at Penn State, my favorite things to do/visit on and off campus, and some of my different hobbies. This idea would be for my friends or boyfriend who are long-distance right now and don’t experience Penn State with me. This way, I could showcase my life here and also display RCL projects such as my passion blogs.

2 thoughts on “E-Portfolio Ideas

  1. I have the same thought that Wix seems to be the easiest one to start with. It not only makes me easier to design but also helps the viewers to explore the page easier. I like your pick!

  2. I am also using Wix, I have found that it is not only easy to use but easy for my audience as well. I think either audience is great, your friends and family, plus fellow Penn State peers or for your possession. If you are able to I think if you can be, both professional and personal you will reach both audiences.

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