Intro + Overview

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. For this new semester of class, I will be continuing to consistently blog on this page. However, rather than continuing the original blog topic from last semester, the crosses, similarities and differences between Nigerian culture and African American culture, this semester I’ll be changing some things up.

Specifically, my blog will be transitioning into a makeup journey and inspiration blog. Over the past few months, makeup has become something more prevalent in my life, and I have taken a great interest in improving my skills and learning more about the craft. So, I’m hoping to use this blog to share my journey with experimenting with makeup, documenting my growth, and sharing tips to help others who may be interested in the subject as well.

As for the vision of the blog, I really want to use the platform to really highlight the makeup journey from a Black perspective, taking the opportunity to highlight brands who work to create inclusive product lines, and discuss the struggles and strengths in learning to do makeup with limited access to appropriate complexion drug store products. I also want to use this platform to showcase Black makeup artists who defy odds and excel at the craft, and use social media platforms like Tik Tok, Instagram, and Youtube, to share their skills with Black communities around the world.

Some topics that I hope to touch upon include, finding an appropriate shade match, building a flawless base, understanding different products, analyzing differences between powder, cream, and liquid products, bold and beautiful lip combinations, and many other interesting topics related to makeup as a whole.

As excited as I am to document this semester-long journey and share my findings with all of you, in this first post, I would really like to emphasize the idea that makeup is never a necessity for one to be deemed as beautiful. We all have beauty within ourselves and our unique features, and makeup simply provides us with the opportunity to enhance and play with our features as we desire. Makeup is not a need, but rather an art craft and form of expression.


Through this blog, I really hope to emphasize that whether one chooses to wear makeup or not is a personal choice, and nothing is wrong with either option. Makeup is free for us all to experiment with and learn from and I’m really excited to have the opportunity to do this in a safe and supportive environment.

I really hope you all have an amazing semester, and stay tuned for an amazing semester of fun colors, looks, and experimentation on this journey.

See you all soon,

Yeems <3

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