3. It’s SOW Good.

Welcoming Video Produced by Sowers Harvest Cafe

As a former Dunkin employee and coffee enthusiast in general, I pride myself on knowing a good cup of coffee. You got your lattes, cappuccinos, americanos, and more. Surrounded by mainstream coffee shops all over State College and campus is a quaint hidden gem on Beaver Avenue. Whether you just want a simple cup of Joe or a whole meal, Sowers has you covered with a vast menu of unique and yummy options. With a warm aesthetic and the smell of coffee wafting through the air, Sowers Harvest Cafe is the perfect spot to have a quick bite or to spend hours studying in.  

Upon my visit to Sowers, my friends and I encountered a line out the door. Nothing shows the popularity of a spot than a line. Upon entering, I was greeted by a typical coffee shop space of stone walls, busy machines, and chalkboards with colorfully-written menu items. Despite being partially cleared to accommodate Covid-19 restrictions, I was still able to envision myself cramming for a test in the corner or chilling with friends. It was nostalgic of a cafe by my  high school that all of my friends and I would go to after school.

Sowers Harvest Cafe Interior, Image Source

Even more exciting than the busy scene was the fact that free food was being served that day. To celebrate Sowers’ 5th anniversary, they were offering a free item each day for a week. On the day I came, they were offering free egg sandwiches. Upon hearing this news, I was automatically put in a happy mood. What’s better than free food?  Moreover, I discovered that Sowers regularly gives out food for special occasions, like exam week, so keep a look out!

My Meal, Photo Taken by ME

As I got up to the counter, I ordered a Chipotle Bacon Egg Sandwich and a Health Honey Almond Biscotti Iced Latte. When I got my food and sat with my friends, I couldn’t wait to dig in. I was not disappointed. The sandwich was savory and had a kick because of the chipotle sauce. The iced latte was also perfect with the right ratio of milk and espresso. Sowers is also known for its pretzels, omelets, and other treats. 

Aside from the delicious food, let’s get into the cafe itself. Going in-depth into Sowers Harvest, it has Christian roots and connections with the Amish community. Sowers Harvest Cafe’s mission is “Creating a peace-filled space to cultivate conversations that change the world”. Seeing the need for a place where students can connect over good food, Sowers delivers “Naturally healthy cuisine served with a ❤ of welcome”.

Looking at the name, I found it interesting that Sowers Harvest Cafe alludes to a Biblical parable told by Christ in Matthew 13. In the passage, seeds sewn in good soil reap a bountiful harvest. In the same way, one who hears and understands will be abundant in knowledge (Matt. 13:23). Both of these messages are encompassed in Sowers as they desire to served both good food and conversation.

With a wonderful experience and knowing the deeper meaning behind this cafe, I whole-heartedly recommend it. There is so much that Sowers Harvest Cafe has to offer. Sow, when you need something to brighten your day, stop on by.

Stay hungry,



Sowers Harvest Cafe- 421 E Beaver Ave, State College, PA 16801

4 comments on “3. It’s SOW Good.Add yours →

  1. Wow, free food. I think that would make anyone happy honestly. I already had dinner, but that sandwich looks good enough that I could make it work….
    Do you know if Sowers Harvest has tea? I love the smell of coffee, but I can’t stand the taste. On the other hand, I sometimes have a whole liter of tea a day.

    1. Hi Sarah!
      Sadly, the free food was offered last week, but it’s still worth trying! Maybe, this weekend would be a good time.
      I believe that they have tea… you may have to ask for the options. I know for sure that they serve chai tea, which is always good. I totally get the whole liter of tea a day thing… I have so many packs of tea in my dorm! 🙂

  2. Hi Rachel! It’s been so hard trying to choose a cafe to go to, especially with the amount of coffee shops we have near campus. Sowers Harvest Cafe sounds so good and is definitely on my list! I tried Irving’s last week and that was really good as well! I love hearing about places to go try, it makes choosing a place so much easier:)

  3. As always, your posts leave me slightly hungrier than before. This coffee shop sounds super interesting and good! I definitely prefer local coffee shops to big chains like dunkin or starbucks, and Sowers sounds like a really solid choice. Also I like how you included the bit about studying. Coffee shops are super relaxing to study in, so as soon as the restrictions are lifted its certainly I place I want to check out before a big test.

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