Yinyin Wang’s English 202 Blog

Is the US safe for anyone?

This is a question that we should all ask ourselves, we the citizens of the United States. All there the things that we hear so many times are the number of deaths that are happening within the country due to gun violence.
This, however, does not mean that owning a gun is bad, no, it is a constitutional right given by to every citizen of the country which states that one should acquire a firearm to protect themselves.
Mass shootings have become like a ‘normal’ thing so many Americans, and yet very little action is taken to prevent such attempts in the futures. This is an outcry for a country that has the largest number of weapons being owned by civilians with about 121 guns for every 100 residents (BBC News, 2019).
One of the most recent attacks was in November where a 16-year old student who was from Saugus High School in Santa Clarita showed up with a gun in school and shot five of his classmates then shot himself. Two students died due to injuries and also the shooter himself (Beckett, 2019).
Within the same period, a man living in San Diego shot and killed his alienated wife together with their three boys, but the fourth was lucky to be alive, but he had to stay on life support whereas the father also died due to self-inflicted guns shot wounds (Beckett, 2019).

This is the reaction of family members and friends in Fresno after the attack.

Within the same month was another shooting in Fresno where four people were killed in a backyard party by an anonymous shooter who fired randomly at the crowd. The victims were young men between ages 25 to 35, and six more individuals were also injured but not severely (Beckett, 2019).
There so many stories such that it would be hard to capture all of them no matter how much time there was because gun violence has because a continuous even.
The fact that the US is considered a superpower but is failing to protect its citizens from such horrors is an issue that raises a lot of concern on how many more deaths should occur before action is taken.

BBC News. (2019, August 5th). America’s gun culture in charts. BBC News.
Beckett, L. (2019, November 26th). A gun is fired on US school grounds twice a week, database reveals. The guardian.



The number of death virus of the recent and most deadly disease Coronavirus (COVID-19) gets to 201,436 cases according to the statistics that were presented by John Hopkins by 7.30 am ET on Wednesday, March 18th 2020 (Feuer, 2020).
The World Health Organization by March 6th 2020 had finalized to around 100,000 cases all over the world. This means that the virus is spreading very fast, paralyzing the lives of so many individuals all over the world (Feuer, 2020).
The number of individuals who have died due to the ailment is around 8,000, but the advantage is that more than 82,000 individual has recovered from the viral infection from the analysis that was presented by John Hopkins (Feuer, 2020).

The image shows the statistics collected by John Hopkins hospital over the recent days on Corona Virus.

This has been the most recent epidemic that has been causing a scare to the whole world within a span of about just three months after it was discovered. China was the original home of the virus, which holds about half of the cases concerning the virus.
However, over the recent days, most of the cases have now been reported in Europe when compared to China from an analysis done by the World Health Organization (Feuer, 2020).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, on the other hand, stated that the individuals who have been found to be mostly affected by the ailment are persons above the age of 85 years with percentages of 10 to27 (Center for Disease Control and Prevention , 2020).
They are then followed by individuals between the ages 65 and 84 who hold about 3% to 11% then those between 55 and 64 at 1% to 3% within the US (Center for Disease Control and Prevention , 2020).
Those below 50 years to 20 years are at <1%, but there are no deaths for individuals below 19 years within the US. These were statistics that were analyzed by the end of March 18th (Center for Disease Control and Prevention , 2020).
These are concerning facts that show and prove that a single ailment can wipe out a nation within days if care is not taken and that countries should ensure that they invest more on medical equipment than they did earlier on.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention . (2020, March 18th). Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) — United States, February 12–March 16, 2020. CDC.
Feuer, W. (2020, March 18th). Worldwide coronavirus cases top 200,000, doubling in two weeks. CBNC.


Recession is here with us already, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Over the past few months, that economy has been heading to the hole with stock prices decreasing greatly whereas prices of oil are also suffering the same fate (Levanon, 2020). This is not a scenario to be taken for granted.
Everyone in the whole world should be worried about how things are changing, how many people will lose their jobs because these are factors that, in most cases, will not be inevitable.
This is because in a few months so many companies will have lost most of their revenue such that they will not have the ability to keep employees afloat.

The image shows the economy is changing within different parts of the world.

The best strategy that they will take is cutting cost, which means reducing the number of workers.
“We are officially declaring that the economy has fallen into a recession … joining the rest of the world, and it is a deep plunge.” “Jobs will be lost, wealth will be destroyed and confidence depressed” (Stevens, 2020)
These are the words of an economist by the name Michelle Meyer from the Bank of America. She also stated that the economy expected to decrease by 12% within the second quarter of the year (Stevens, 2020).
This also means that the poverty line will increase tremendously because if people lose the source of their livelihood, then poverty will also increase tremendously.
Crime is also another problem that countries will have to deal with because it will be on the rise as individuals try to find alternative means by which they will acquire financial resources.
A concern for the economy is a concern for the future because the world should brace itself for a bumpy ride for the next coming months whether or not the issue of Corona Virus still exists.
Even if a cure is found today, the impact has already been made, and it is dreadful to think of what would happen if the issue continued for let us say like three more months.
The world would turn upside down as the threat of going back to colonial times approaches. Nations would fight against themselves to acquire wealth and resources.

Levanon, G. (2020, March 10th). Two economic scenarios for the impact of coronavirus on the US. CNN Business.
Stevens, P. (2020, March 19th). Bank of America says the recession is already here: ‘Jobs will be lost, wealth will be destroyed’. CNBC.

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