

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)

National Novel Writing Month is well-known in the writing community. The primary use of the website is to track and motivate progress toward a 50,000 word manuscript written in one month. If you’re someone who has trouble sitting down to just write, NaNoWriMo will help with that.

If the task itself doesn’t appeal to you, NaNoWriMo’s forums are where it really shines. Authors of all genres gather to discuss character issues, worldbuilding, and editing. You can easily find someone willing to swap rough drafts, and if you’re having doubts about your writing or drive to finish, the other members of the community will push you forward. This is a great place for those lacking motivation or those who are afraid they’ll never finish an entire book.



– In the month of November, liaisons volunteering for (and approved by) the website host write-ins and parties all over the world. If you do intend to take on the 50,000 word challenge, this is a great in-person way to motivate yourself and others.

– Don’t think you can only use the website in November, the designated novel-writing month. The community is active all year long, and past authors’ manuscripts will be there to inspire you.