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Journal Publications

(“*” denotes advised students)

27.  Zhang, Y., D. J. Stensrud, C. L. Comer, and B. C. Stouffer, 2025: Assimilating novel boundary layer observations from dual-polarization radars to improve lower-tropospheric moisture and torrential rainfall forecast. Monthly Weather Review, 153, 309–326.

26.  Huang, L., L. Bai, and Y. Zhang, 2024: Analysis of uncertainties in convection-permitting ensemble simulations of land breeze and nocturnal coastal rainfall in South China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 38, 1047–1063.

25. Stouffer, B. C., D. J. Stensrud, C. L. Comer, Y. Zhang, and M. R. Kumjian, 2024: An investigation of convective boundary layer depth and entrainment zone properties using dual-polarization radar and balloon-borne observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 41, 1213–1228.

24. Comer, C. L., D. J. Stensrud, B. C. Stouffer, Y. Zhang, and M. R. Kumjian, 2024: An automated approach to estimating convective boundary layer depth from dual-polarization WSR-88D radar observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 41, 767–780.

23. Zhang, Y., X. Chen, D. J. Stensrud, and E. E. Clothiaux, 2024: Enhancing severe weather prediction with all-sky microwave radiance assimilation: The 10 August 2020 Midwest derecho. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106602.

22. *Mykolajtchuk, P. D., *K. C. Eure, D. J. Stensrud, Y. Zhang, F. Zhang, S. J. Greybush, and M. R. Kumjian, 2023: Diagnosing a missed supercell thunderstorm forecast. Weather and Forecasting, 38, 1935–1951.

21. Zhang, Y., 2023: Sensitivity of intrinsic error growth to large-scale uncertainty structure in a record-breaking summertime rainfall event. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 80, 1415–1432.

20. Zhang, Y., X. Chen, and M. M. Bell, 2023: Improving short-term QPF using geostationary satellite all-sky infrared radiances: Real-time ensemble data assimilation and forecast during the PRECIP 2020 and 2021 experiments. Weather and Forecasting, 38, 591–609.

19. *Eure, K. C., *P. D. Mykolajtchuk, Y. Zhang, D. J. Stensrud, F. Zhang, S. J. Greybush, and M. R. Kumjian, 2023: Simultaneous assimilation of planetary boundary layer observations from radar and all-sky satellite observations to improve forecasts of convection initiation. Monthly Weather Review, 151, 795–813.

18. Zhang, Y., H. Yu, M. Zhang, Y. Yang, and Z. Meng, 2022: Uncertainties and error growth in forecasting the record-breaking rainfall in Zhengzhou, Henan on 19–20 July 2021. Science China: Earth Sciences, 65, 1903–1920.

17. Zhang, Y., E. E. Clothiaux, and D. J. Stensrud, 2022: Correlation structures between satellite all-sky infrared brightness temperatures and the atmospheric states at storm scales. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39, 714–732.

16. Zhang, Y., S. B. Sieron, Y. Lu, X. Chen, R. G. Nystrom, M. Minamide, M.-Y. Chan, C. M. Hartman, Z. Yao, J. H. Ruppert, Jr., A. Okazaki, S. J. Greybush, E. E. Clothiaux, and F. Zhang, 2021: Ensemble-based assimilation of satellite all-sky microwave radiances improves intensity and rainfall predictions of Hurricane Harvey (2017). Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096410.

15. Zhang, Y., X. Chen, and Y. Lu, 2021: Structure and dynamics of ensemble correlations for satellite all-sky observations in an FV3-based global-to-regional nested convection-permitting ensemble forecast of Hurricane Harvey. Monthly Weather Review, 149, 2409–2430.

14. Zhang, Y., D. J. Stensrud, and E. E. Clothiaux, 2021: Benefits of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) for ensemble-based analysis and prediction of severe thunderstorms. Monthly Weather Review, 149, 313–332.

13. Meng, Z., F. Zhang, D. Luo, Z. Tan, J. Fang, J. Sun, X. Shen, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, W. Han, K. Zhao, L. Zhu, Y. Hu, H. Xue, Y. Ma, L. Zhang, J. Nie, R. Zhou, S. Li, H. Liu, Y. Zhu, 2019: Review of Chinese atmospheric science research over the past 70 years: Synoptic meteorology. Science China: Earth Sciences, 62, 1946–1991.

12. Zhang, Y., D. J. Stensrud, and F. Zhang, 2019: Simultaneous assimilation of radar and all-sky satellite radiance observations for convection-allowing ensemble analysis and prediction of severe thunderstorms. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 4389–4409.

11. Hayatbini, N., K.-L. Hsu, S. Sorroshian, Y. Zhang, and F. Zhang, 2019: Effective cloud detection and segmentation using a gradient-based algorithm for satellite imagery; Application to improve PERSIANN-CCS. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20, 901–913.

10. Bai, L., Z. Meng, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, S. Niu, and T. Su, 2019: Convection initiation resulting from the interaction between a quasi-stationary dryline and intersecting gust fronts: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 2379–2396.

9. Zhang, Y., F. Zhang, and D. J. Stensrud, 2018: Assimilating all-sky infrared radiances from GOES-16 ABI using an ensemble Kalman filter for convection-allowing severe thunderstorms prediction. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 3363–3381.

8. Pan, J., D. Teng, F. Zhang, L. Zhou, L. Luo, Y. Weng, and Y. Zhang, 2018: Dynamics of local extreme rainfall of super Typhoon Soudelor (2015) in East China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 61, 572–594.

7. Zhang, Y., and F. Zhang, 2018: A review on the ensemble-based data assimilations for severe convective storms. Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology (in Chinese), 8, 38–52.

6. Zhang, Y., F. Zhang, D. J. Stensrud, and Z. Meng, 2016: Intrinsic predictability of the tornadic thunderstorm event in Oklahoma on 20 May 2013 at storm scales. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 1271–1298.

5. Zhu, L., Q. Wan, X. Shen, Z. Meng, F. Zhang, Y. Weng, J. Sippel, Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, and J. Yue, 2016: Prediction and predictability of high-impact western Pacific landfalling tropical cyclone Vicente (2012) through convection-permitting ensemble assimilation of Doppler radar velocity. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 21–43.

4. Zhang, Y., F. Zhang, D. J. Stensrud, and Z. Meng, 2015: Practical predictability of the 20 May 2013 tornadic thunderstorm event in Oklahoma: Sensitivity to synoptic timing and topographical influence. Monthly Weather Review, 143, 2973–2997.

3. Zhang, Y., Z. Meng, F. Zhang, and Y. Weng, 2014: Predictability of tropical cyclone intensity evaluated through 5-yr forecasts with a convection-permitting regional-scale model in the Atlantic Basin. Weather and Forecasting, 29, 1003–1023.

2. Meng, Z., D. Yan, and Y. Zhang, 2013: General features of squall lines in East China. Monthly Weather Review, 141, 1629–1647.

1. Meng, Z., and Y. Zhang, 2012: On the squall lines preceding landfalling tropical cyclones in China. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 445–470.