“[Kids] are always doing things, that, by and large, are destructive. That’s what exploration kind of is. If you take stuff apart, whether or not you know how to put it back together.” A friend shared this video with me the other day and I can’t stop thinking about it. My almost 7-month-old daughter has almost figured out how to crawl. While exciting, this brings a whole new set of challenges for my wife and I. Do we try to keep order in the house or do we promote exploration through destruction? Hopefully we have a bit more time before our little one starts destroying our home, but when it does happen, I will be right there beside her banging on those pots and pans and figuring out what happens to an egg when dropped!

As a parent, this video couldn’t be more relative. However, the more I watch it, the more I realize this video has a bigger message. As adults, we need to get back to our childlike ways of seeing the world. If we have questions (which we all do if we are honest with ourselves), we need to ask those questions, no matter how stupid they seem to us. We need to push the boundaries of things we don’t understand. We need to take things apart, and not just physical things but theoretical things—ideas, processes, and workflows. Just because something always has been doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient or best way of doing something. Challenge the status quo. See the world differently. And never stop learning. Be destructive.