My Goals and Fears for PSU

My goals and fears for Penn State will allow me to make the most of the four years I will be here. The three things I am looking forward to are tailgates football games and living on my own. This is because tailgates are going to be a new experience for me because I have never tailgated before and they are going to be so much fun and I am going to meet so many new people. Next, is football games which are going to be the most fun I will probably have at this school especially the white out game. I have not been to many football games but this will definitely be a fun and new experience. The last thing I am excited for is Finally living on my own. I have been waiting so long to finally be living on my own because I know that I can be a responsible adult and take care of myself. The three things I am most worried about are essays, finals and just classes in general. This is because I just don’t know what to expect when I am faced with these things because this is one step up from what I am used to so its all going to be different and I feel like it is going to be a lot more difficult than high school. Some things that I need to change from high school to college is the time when I do homework studying for tests and exams as well as using office hours to my fullest ability. I really want to get involved in Penn State athletics, a backyard games club, as well as the greek life because these things will keep me very busy and give me something to do during the day. Some goals I am setting for myself is having a 3.5 gpa my first semester and in my first year I would like to be starting on the rugby team and in four years I would like to be playing rugby in Europe as well  as getting my mechanical engineering degree.

One thought on “My Goals and Fears for PSU

  1. Welcome to Penn State. You have set some attainable goals for your first year. Be sure to review them at the end of the semester to evaluate how well you achieved them. Then, adjust them as needed, make some more for the next semester — until May 2025.

    Living on your own — and being away to college are slightly different, yes? Let’s talk about that.

    I look forward to being a part of your PSU journey.

    #We Are.

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