- December 5, 2024, Sam and Xu’s paper (title: Neuroimaging model of visceral manipulation in awake rat) is accepted by The Journal of Neuroscience. Congrats to all co-authors.
- September 30, 2024, Sam passed his PhD defense. We have Dr. Cramer! Congratulations to Sam.
- August 28, 2024, Xiaoai, Sam, Dennis and Xu’s paper (title: Sequential deactivation across the hippocampus-thalamus-mPFC pathway during loss of consciousness) is accepted by Advanced Science. Congrats to all authors!
- July 18, 2024, Wenyu and Sam’s paper (title: Disparity in temporal and spatial relationships between resting-state electrophysiological and fMRI signals) is published in eLife. Congratulations to Wenyu and Sam.
- June 7, 2024, Charlotte passed her PhD defense. Congratulations to Charlotte!
- June 7, 2024, Xu, Sam and Dennis’ paper (title: Exploring memory-related network via dorsal hippocampus suppression) was accepted by Network Neuroscience. Congrats to all authors.
- May 28, 2024, Dennis passed his PhD defense. We have Dr. Chan! Congratulations to Dennis.
- April 12, 2024, Peter and Nikki’s paper (title: Perturbing cortical networks: surprising in vivo electrophysiological consequences of chemogenetic manipulations using deschloroclozapine) was accepted by Frontiers in Neuroscience. Congrats!
- June 27, 2023, Nanyin Zhang is elected to the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineers (IAMBE), class of 2023.
- May 18, 2023, Qiong Li’s paper (title: Sex differences in resting-state functional networks in awake rats) was accepted by Brain Structure and Function. Congrats to Qiong.
- January 17, 2023, Qingqing and Sam’s paper (title: High-frequency neuronal signal better explains multi-phase BOLD response) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to Qingqing and Sam.
- October 19, 2022, Xu and Sam’s paper (title: Deriving causal relationships in resting-state functional connectivity using SSFO-based optogenetic fMRI) was accepted by Journal of Neural Engineering. Congrats to Xu and Sam!
- October 13, 2022, Wenyu’s paper (title: Neural underpinning of a respiration-associated resting-state fMRI network) was accepted by Elife. Congrats to Wenyu!
- February 25, 2022, Nikki’s paper (title: Connecting the dots between cell populations, whole-brain activity and behavior) was accepted by Neurophotonics. Congrats to Nikki!
- January 31, 2022, Zilu, Qingqing and Wenyu’s paper (title: Gaining insight into the neural basis of resting-state fMRI signal) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to all authors!
- January 9, 2022, Qingqing, Sam, Zilu, Kevin, Kyle and Yikang’s paper (title: Brain-wide ongoing activity is responsible for significant cross-trial BOLD variability) was accepted by Cerebral Cortex. Congrats to all authors!
- May 26, 2021, Wenyu and Zilu’s paper (title: Brain network reorganization after targeted attack at a hub region) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to Wenyu and Zilu!
- December 11, 2020, Yikang passed his PhD defense. We now have Dr. Yikang Liu. Congrats to Yikang!
- October 20, 2020, Zilu passed her PhD defense. We now have Dr. Zilu Ma. Congrats to Zilu!
- October 09, 2020, Zilu and Wenyu’s paper (title: Increased wiring cost during development is driven by long-range cortical, but not subcortical connections) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to both of you!
- August 19, 2020, Yuncong passed his PhD defense. We now have Dr. Yuncong Ma. Congrats to Yuncong!
- July 26, 2020, Wenyu, Zilu, Yuncong and David’s paper (title: Suppressing anterior cingulate cortex modulates default mode network and behavior in awake rats) was accepted by Cerebral Cortex. Congrats to all of you!
- June 18, 2020, Yikang, Pablo, Zilu, Zhiwei, David, Sam and Wenyu’s paper (title: An open database of resting-state fMRI in awake rats) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to all of you!
- May 15, 2020, our lab was awarded a R01 grant, a successful renewal of R01NS085200 (title: Resting-state Neural Networks in Awake Rodents).
- May 6, 2020, Xu passed his comprehensive exam. Congrats to Xu!
- April 8, 2020, Alex and David’s paper (title: Rodent Models of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Behavioral Assessment) was accepted by Translational Psychiatry. Congrats to Alex and David!
- December 26, 2019, Yikang and Said’s paper (title: Automatic Brain Extraction for Rodent MRI Images) was accepted by Neuroinformatics. Congrats to Yikang and Said!
- November 22, 2019, Yuncong, Zhifeng and Thomas’s paper (title: Global brain signal in awake rat) was accepted by Brain Structure & Function. Congrats to all of you especially Yuncong!
- September 05, 2019, Yikang’s paper (title: Propagations of spontaneous brain activity in awake rats) was accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to Yikang!
- April 08, 2019, David Dopfel, Pablo, Alex and Yuncong’s paper (title: Individual variability in behavior and functional networks predicts vulnerability using an animal model of PTSD) was accepted by Nature Communications. Big achievement! Congratulations to all of you especially David and Pablo.
- Nov 28, 2018, Nanyin Zhang was elected as Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).
- July 29, 2018, Wenyu Tu was awarded 2018 Graduate Research Innovation (GRI) Award. Congrats to Wenyu!
- July 10, 2018 (Fall 2018), Alexander Verbistsky received Longenecker and Associates Scholarship in Engineering Science and Mechanics. Congrats to Alex!
- June 26, 2018, David Dopfel’s paper (title: Mapping stress networks using functional magnetic resonance imaging in awake animals) was accepted by Neurobiology of Stress. Congrats to David!
- May 2, 2018, Zilu and Yuncong’s paper (title: Development of brain-wide connectivity architecture in awake rats) has been accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to Zilu and Yuncong!
- May 2018 (Summer 2018), Thaddeus Stephen Schlamb received Penn State College of Engineering Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates Scholarship. Congrats to Ted!
- April 13, 2018, Yuncong has been awarded the Leighton Riess Graduate Fellowship in Engineering for the Spring 2018 semester. Congrats to Yuncong!
- April 4 2018 (Summer 2018), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State Student Engagement Network Grant. Congrats to Alex!
- April 2018 (Summer 2018), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State College of Engineering Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates Scholarship. Congrats to Alex!
- March 2, 2018, Zhiwei’s paper (title: Temporal transitions of spontaneous brain activity) has been accepted by eLife. Congrats to Zhiwei!
- January 31, 2018, Alison has been accepted to University of Maryland’s MD/PhD program. Congrats to Alison!
- January 2018 (Spring 2018), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State College of Engineering Research Initiative Scholarship. Congrats to Alex!
- December 14, 2017, Said has passed his Master degree defense. Congrats to Said!
- October 28, 2017, Pablo, Zhiwei and Chrissy’s paper (title: Acute effects of vortioxetine and duloxetine on resting-state functional connectivity in the awake rat) has been accepted by Neuropharmacology. Congrats to Pablo, Zhiwei and Chrissy!
- August 2017 (Fall 2017), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State College of Engineering Research Initiative Scholarship. Congrats to Alex!
- August 2017 (Fall 2017), Anika Rimu received Penn State College of Engineering Research Initiative Scholarship. Congrats to Anika!
- July 3, 2017, Zhifeng’s paper (title: Simultaneous GCaMP6-based fiber photometry and fMRI in rats) has been accepted by Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Congrats to Zhifeng and Yuncong.
- July 1, 2017, Nanyin has been promoted to full professor.
- June 13, 2017, Zhiwei’s paper (title: Cross-population Myelination Covariance of Human. Human Brain Mapping) has been accepted by Human Brain Mapping. Congrats to Zhiwei.
- May 8, 2017, Zhiwei has passed his final defense. We now have Dr. Zhiwei Ma.
- May 2017 (Summer 2017), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State King Abdullah University Research Experience Scholarship. Congrats to Alex!
- February 26, 2017, Chrissy and Yuncong’s paper (title: Global Reduction of Information Exchange during Anesthetic-Induced Unconsciousness) has been accepted by Brain Structure and Function. Congrats to Chrissy and Yuncong!
- January 2017 (Spring 2017), Alexander Verbistsky received Penn State College of Engineering Research Initiative Scholarship. Congrats to Alex!
- November 28, 2016, Our jointed paper with Dr. Drew’s lab (title: Time to wake up: Studying neurovascular coupling and brain-wide circuit function in the un-anesthetized animal) has been accepted by NeuroImage. Congrats to Yuncong, Zhifeng and Lilith!
- November 15, 2016, Yuncong and Chrissy’s paper (title: Dynamic Connectivity Patterns in Conscious and Unconscious Brain) has been accepted by Brain Connectivity. Congrats to Yuncong and Chrissy!
- July 4, 2016, Zhiwei’s paper (title: Functional atlas of the awake rat brain: a neuroimaging study of rat brain specialization and integration) has been accepted by NeuorImage. Congratulations to Zhiwei, Pablo, Zilu, Yikang, Chrissy and Zhifeng!
- April 7, 2016, Alison was awarded a summer 2016 Erickson Discovery Grant. Congratulations to Alison!
- March 31, 2016, Alison was awarded the Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates (MC REU) at the University Park campus. Congratulations to Alison!
- February 26 2016, Zhiwei was selected to receive the Leighton Riess Graduate Fellowship in Engineering for the Spring 2016 semester. Congratulations to Zhiwei!
- February 16, 2016, Yikang passed the bioengineering candidacy exam.
- September 28, 2015, Nanyin was appointed to Hartz Family Career Development professorship.
- June 23, 2015, Zhiwei’s paper (title: Genetic Influences on Resting-state Functional Networks: A Twin Study) was accepted by Human Brain Mapping. Congratulations to Zhiwei, Chrissy and Zhifeng!
- June 19, 2015, Yuncong and Zilu passed their bioengineering candidacy exam.
- May 13, 2015. Zhifeng published a first-author paper (title: Mapping the medial prefrontal network by combining optogenetics and fMRI in awake rodents) in NeuroImage.
- May 8, 2015. Zhifeng and Pablo received J.Loyd Huck Bio-technology mini grant ($5000 each).
- April 15, 2015. Yucong received Graduate Travel Grant awarded by the Penn State University Office of Global Programs.
- Feb 16, 2015. Chrissy, Yuncong and Zhifeng received the travel award of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
- Jan 12, 2015. Welcome Yikang Liu and Jake Ruddy to our lab.
- October 30, 2014. The Neuroscience Society Lab Tour
- October 4, 2014. Zhifeng’s paper (title: Dynamic Resting State Functional Connectivity in Awake and Anesthetized Rodents) was accepted by NeuroImage.
- August 25, 2014. Zhifeng’s paper (title: Neuroplasticity to a single-episode traumatic stress revealed by resting-state fMRI in awake rats) was accepted by NeuroImage.
- June 20, 2014. Nanyin was invited to join the Editorial Board of NeuroImage.
- March 29, 2014. Zhifeng won the Best Posters Award at PSU Neuroscience Retreat.