Prospective EE undergraduate student graduated from Penn State and specializing in IC design for both analog and digital applications. Built strong EE knowledge foundation and communication skills from assisting EE 210 lab class for two semesters. Participated in many projects from different fields in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering.
Address: State College, United States, 16803
Phone: (585)775-6602
Zhipeng Fan, Zeheng Yang, Fei Zhang. (2021), Analysis and Comparison of Optimization Method for Comparator Design. Paper accepted by the 2021 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering.
- Leader of a 4-bit absolute-value detector design workshop supervised by professor Dejan Markovic from UCLA. The design utilizes static CMOS logic and multiplexors and achieves a 50% increase in critical path delay than the minimum while yielding a 62.5% decrease in energy consumption.
- Designed an 8-bit ripple carry adder using Cadence Virtuoso. Completed layout design under DRC restrictions, and performed critical path delay analysis using Spectre simulator and TSMC PDK.
- Developed a five-stage MIPS Pipelining CPU in Verilog HDL using Xilinx Vivado.
- Simulated OFDM transmitter and receiver with MATLAB. Successfully generated OFDM symbol streams, extracted desired resource blocks, and decoded the OFDM symbols provided by the instructor.
Work History
08/2020 ~ 05/2021 EE 210 Lab Assistant Penn State University, State College, PA
Assisted EE 210 class with troubleshooting circuits and reviewed course concepts, received appreciation from students at end of each semester.
08/2018 ~ 12/2021 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Penn State University – University Park, PA
- Dean’s List: FA 2018, SP 2019, SP 2020
- Received: Madden Trustee Scholarship in Engineering, Penn State Academic Grant
- Graduated with Minor in Computer Engineering
- Cadence Virtuoso
- Verilog
- Critical Thinking
- Communication
- Arduino IDE
- C
- SolidWorks