Mondrian Animation

This project was an interesting task to undergo, it really pushed me to think in three dimensional spaces. To really consider how all the pieces of this puzzle would fit together and how they would interact with one another as their own individual parts. While I still don’t have any particular interest in architecture, I thought it was very interesting how it ended up turning into a building like structure. Making me stop and reconsider the importance of environments and backgrounds for other projects and how they may influence characters and objects might play off of each other. I enjoyed thinking about this project and it really opened me to more ideas for my own personal future projects.


This was the painting I based my animation off of:

EDIT: Reuploaded the mov file, and officially put it on YouTube when I realized the issue for viewing after presenting to the class. A good lesson learned for me to prevent a mistake like this from happening again.

Mondrian Animation Concepts

mondrian animation sketches and concept animation! I have to create a 3D animation of a Mondrian art piece forming together piece by piece. This is my thought process in regard to the piece, I tried to make it almost like Tetris piece trying to fit together. In the animation one, I like how the orange pieces dropping down looked in particular. I hope that the actual clean 3D animation I’ll be working on reads a little easier than how I animated them. Abstract ideas like this, I sometimes have difficulty putting into a piece of work since I more so focus on story telling in my art. This project will be an interesting to work with, and expand my artistic abilities.

Ball Drop

Ball Drop in the Box

My first animation using Maya. I learned a lot from this exercise in the best ways to animate and how to do so efficiently. I made the keyframes too close together, making the animation too fast initially. I also mistakenly made the ball bounce on the air rather than the surface for the first few bounces. This mistake was results of me not taking the time to look at different camera angles beyond the default one. At least the mistake makes it look kinda cool!