Once I finished beveling and rendering the nine square grid, I added materials of glass, gold, ceramic, car paint, and balloon. these were interesting to play with and make feel real by adjusting colors and lighting. These materials gave interesting reflections and lights, as well as showing the objects around them depending on the material.
Month: October 2019
Nine Square
The nine square grid project ended up taking longer than I had initially thought it to be. mainly I struggled with rendering issues because I was unaware of the lighting being an issue with the Arnold renderer. I had lights set to 1 when they really should have been set to 10000! I also had a few hiccups with just modeling the cubes into how they’re depicted in the image above. Such as the first cube I was trying to shape into the stair like shape, turning it originally into an overlapping mess. When there were much easier solutions such as reducing the amount of vertexes and deleting any unused lines that I didn’t need.
Concept Sketches for Upcoming Projects
I have two projects coming up this weekend and I needed to put them down into a visual format to solidify some ideas I had. For the first page, the sketches are for a tea set still life I will be modeling with the inclusion of a mouse in the background that is going to be illustrated rather than modeled. The second sketch is of a snake for an animated project where I’m going to make a snake move in an area where it seems like it shouldn’t be.