First Pages

Starting off this week, I did some additional sketches of more supporting cast characters. But, since I am part of the senior exhibition class as well I don’t have time to keep doing heuristic type work. Keeping additional character design work to loose but thought out sketches to save on time.



Then I began to fully work on my first pages of my comic! I wanted the first images to be establishing shots. The first page is a large illustration of the Court of Candor, and the second page starts with a panel that shows the characters in the court. I feel that it’s important to invite viewers into the world before jumping into character interactions so that my audience understands where the character’s are. The setting is as equally as important as the characters, it shapes the cast into who they are and why they do what they do. The environment ends up becoming a character itself.

We begin the story with Avrin meeting with members of the court with a criminal, Soleil, who is affiliated with a witch coven known as The Circle of Whispers. Essentially the counter fource against the Court of Candor, the members of this coven are secretive and under handed, while the Court values honesty and balance.

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