This past week I worked with my capstone project group and we finished setting up the gallery for the exhibition! All of the technology we wanted, the Apple TV and new iPad, came in time and was no hassle to set up with the help of IT. John also created the QR code stickers that are seen in the above image! Seeing my project on a big screen is so exciting and I cannot wait for the two receptions we’ll be having.
I did a presentation to DART 410 and the 300 level class as well. Doing this presentation in the gallery made me feel more confident about presenting to the art faculty on Monday! I got a lot of great feedback, hearing everyone’s thoughts is giving me a lot of ideas on how to continue this project post exhibition. Among those ideas is making sure I do not stray too far from what my intentions of the story are while satisfying the voting results from the audience. Other feedback I received was also working on my lighting and shading skills to make it look more accurate, and earlier panels text looking a bit cramped. These are all things I want to keep in mind while pursuing forward with my comic!
While certain things I cannot control, such as trolls or people who might take advantage of the anonymous polling option. I want to have a community that communicates and discusses what could possibly happen. Not every chapter will have a voting option, as I think it is important for me to be the primary story teller and not leave it completely open every chapter. I also think making voting more of an occasional occurrence will also make it more of an exciting event, getting readers more eager for the next chapter when there is such an option!