Bugs, Boulders, Beakers: The Materiality of Artists’ Colors, co-organized with Sarah Rich (PSU), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, October 2018. related article here
Purity and Contamination in Renaissance Art & Architecture, co-organized with Lauren Jacobi (MIT). Annual theme for the New England Renaissance Conference, in collaboration with the History, Theory and Criticism (HTC) program, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 2016.
Material/Immaterial: A Symposium on 15th-century Sculpture, co-organized with Amy Bloch (SUNY Albany) and Timothy Verdon (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence), Museum of Biblical Art, NY, NY, February 2017. link to video recording of conference
Vasari/500. An international symposium for the fifth centenary of Giorgio Vasari’s birth, co-organized with Francesca Borgo, Caitlin Henningsen, and Shawon Kinew. A. Sackler Building, Cambridge, MA, October 2011.