The Mao group has four labs:
- One lab for single crystal growth using the flux, chemical vapor transport, Bridgman and Czochralski and methods (3D view).
- One Lab for single crystal growth using the floating zone method (3D view).
- One lab for material processing and preparation (quartz tube sealing, material rods preparation for floating-zone crystal growth and sample preparations for measurements) (3D view)
- One Lab for low temperature measurements (one Physical Property Measurement System equipped with a He3 fridge system and a SQUID magnetometer). (3D view)
The Mao group also oversees the bulk crystal growth facility of the Two-Dimensional Crystal Consortium-National Science Foundation Material Innovation Platform (2DCC-MIP), which includes Double Crucible Vertical Bridgman furnace (DCVB), Vertical Bridgman, Arc-Melter, Compound Furnace, High-temperature Muffle etc. DCVB is designed to precisely control crystal composition of chalcogenides/pnictides and the first of its kind in the world.
Muffle/Crucible furnaces and double-zone tube furnaces under canopy/fume hoods
High-temperature vertical Bridgman furnace
Floating zone furnaces
Sample preparation lab
Arc Melter
Quartz tube sealing station
Glove Box
SQUID Magnetometer
Physical Property Measurement System