The Kiss I Don’t Want To Miss

“I never wanted to regret the kisses I missed.”  As Lynsey Addario writes her grandmother’s story in It’s What I Do, the photographer ends the anecdote with this lingering wish for her own life.  Unlike her grandmother, Lynsey decides she doesn’t want to spend her life wondering about what life could be; she chooses to kiss passionately in life and to take risks on the things she cares about.



Addario’s choice was followed by a life full of metaphorical kisses.  When given the opportunity to travel, she takes it without hesitation.  On witnessing the events of September 11th, she immediately decides to photograph the War on Terror.  As events unfolded in the early 2000s, Lynsey took hold of the moment, unwilling to miss any opportunity.  Her passion for photography guided her decisions, and she became a world renowned photojournalist.  Her pursuit of opportunity has inspired me as I start college to take risks and explore my passions.



As I mentioned in my earlier post, I’m writing a passion blog to raise awareness of discrimination on campus.  Although the issue takes many forms, it’s a deeply personal one for me.  I was raised by two mothers, and it infuriates me to see hateful slurs in our culture.  As I read It’s What I Do, Addario’s actions inspired me to take risks for the issues I care about.


Fighting discrimination is the kiss I refuse to miss.  I am willing to go out on a limb and argue for social equality in any form, be it gender, race, religion, etc.  I am determined to make a difference in my community, and Lynsey Addario has shown me how.  By living my life passionately and taking risks for my beliefs, I can make sure I never regret the opportunities I don’t take.

One thought on “The Kiss I Don’t Want To Miss

  1. I completely agree that Addario does not want to miss out on any opportunity to pursue her passion. I appreciate the way that you do not straight out say that like her grandmother’s passionate love of Sal, she loved photography. Therefore, she “kissed” photography her entire life. The relationship in my opinion gives the reader something that they can relate more to. More people have passionate love, than a passion for war photography. Finally, I am very excited to read more of your passion blog.

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