Sex, Sluts, and STDs: How Sex Ed Creates Stigmas

The second approach to our deliberation considers the social stigmas placed on sex and sexuality in the United States.  We want to talk about how abstinence only curriculums promote double gender standards and misconceptions about intimacy.  We started doing research on how social stigmas are created in our current sex ed curriculums and began looking at what changes we wanted to see in the United States.



The National Center for Biotechnology Information has a great article that discusses social stigmas created by our current sex education situation.  The piece delves into the issue of abstinence only curricula, which tend to create the misconception that STDs and other negative health problems are caused by sexual promiscuity.  This is not accurate, and the article suggests we combat that stigma with a more relaxed view of sex and sexuality.  We should promote sexual health regardless of what kind of sex people are having, and inform our students on the myriad of ways STDs can actually be spread.



The Center for American Progress also made an argument regarding stigmas in sex ed.  The article explains that LGBTQA students are often at a severe disadvantage, because schools do not provide sex ed programs that are inclusive of all sexualities.  The piece suggests creating a more comprehensive K-12 curriculum that would encourage students to ask questions and maintain their sexual health.



I was surprised at how much research has been done regarding sex ed and social stigmas – I would have thought that their findings, which clearly indicate a problem in our society, would lead to action creating a more inclusive and comprehensive curriculum.  The lack of appropriate sex ed programs for students has created a cultural problem with stigmas that affect each and every one of us – children, teens, and adults alike.  We need to address the issue of abstinence only sex ed curriculums and face the taboo our society has put on sexuality – let’s talk about sex baby.




Works Cited:

“LGBT-Inclusive Sex Education Means Healthier Youth and Safer Schools.” Center for American Progress, 28 June 2013,

“Sexual Health Training and Education in the U.S.” PubMed Central (PMC), Mar. 2013,

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