While to the initial eye, and without any of the context behind this ad and when it was published, this may seem like a harmless Starbucks ad promoting their new drink. However, when taking a closer look at the time of which this advertisement was published, the implications behind the meaning is really shocking coming from a well established coffee shop.
The ad depicts two new Starbucks drinks front and center with a dragonfly in the background, almost to imply that it is interested in the new drinks- this seems pretty harmless, so what’s the issue?
This ad circulated in springtime of 2002, almost 6 months after the terrorist attacks that took place on 9/11/2001.
Depicted in the ad are two figures standing staggered in front and center with something appearing to fly into them. It is almost as if it is meant to resemble the two World Trade Center buildings that were hit in the attack.
The picture alone may not totally allude to 9/11, but together with the tagline it certainly does. “Collapse into cool” to me totally seals the deal that, for whatever reason, Starbucks tried to make a profit off of the terrorist attacks. Collapse is clearly in reference to the two towers that fell due to the planes hitting them. Both the illustration and the slogan paint the picture of the 9/11 attacks that occurred only months prior.
I find this ad to be very insensitive considering the time of which it was released. Many people’s lives were affected, some of whom lost people who they were very close to. So for Starbucks to try and advertise their new product based on a tragedy that hit close to home for so many Americans is honestly sad.
The ad itself promotes the new drinks, yes, but the timing and rhetorical situation surrounding it is what makes it such a poor advertisement.
I am surprised that I have not heard anything about this before. It seems like it would have been something that would have circulated in the media and caused some uproar. Starbucks trying to capitalize on one of the biggest terrorist attacks in American history, I think, points to their main goal- making money. I honestly do not understand how officials previewed this and thought it was appropriate for the times. The source I found this on did not provide this, but I wonder if this ad lasted long before it was pulled and stopped being shown. Anyhow, this ad is a poor showing at how not reading the room can lead to mistakes that otherwise would have been avoided
Holy, there is no way this is real. This has to be the worst ad I have ever seen in my life. What board room approved this?