RCL4: Analysis of a Dubious Advocacy Site

For the fourth RCL related blog post on this thread, we were tasked with finding a website that was asking for donations, or for a cause that we generally do not really support. I took a stab at finding websites that were humorous at first, but unfortunately, came up short handed. However, after revisiting the post instructions, I decided to search for a website that was against a cause that I support. With that in mind, I searched for a website that supported the idea of gun rights. That is where I stumbled across the Second Amendment Foundation. 

By no means am I trying to put down those who support this idea, rather I am simply viewing this website, and cause, from the eyes of someone who thinks that there must be regulations on guns in the US. I fully understand that making changes, or even removing the 2nd Amendment in general is a tough task, but still there can be several policies added to ensure the safe use of guns if there must be guns present across the country, which I still do not really find to be necessary. 

Right off the bat, immediately after clicking on the website link, the viewer’s eyes are met with several iconic American symbols mixed with a plethora of red, white, and blue designs. With this I am left thinking, if one does not support this cause, does it in some way make them less American? No, but that is what the website seems to imply. 

The main tagline on the first page of the website reads as follows: “Become a part of the most effective pro-gun rights group.’’ The organizers claim this, but then have no details to back it up. Perhaps if they provided how much effect they had on the legislature, or if they were able to really get anything done, then it would be a much more powerful statement. If I were looking to affiliate with one of these groups, that may inspire me to do so. 

One of the most lacking areas of this website is where they are asking for donations. Instead of common phrases such as “Donate here”, or something along those lines, the website says “Give Now”. This feels less like a plea and more like a threat. When describing where that money will go towards, all that is listed is “Your contribution will help us to continue winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.” This statement is quite vague. Many more questions arise from that such as, how is that money helping win a lawsuit? 

At the end of the day, this website seems to put a focus on collecting money, and not much else. I have no doubts that the organizers truly support the cause, but they do a very poor job of convincing others to feel the same way. They tend to make many loose claims, and then provide no proof to back them up. This website can do with major improvements.

*link to website *.

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