ConnectED in the news!
ConnectED: The Challenge
ConnectEd is both a challenge to our first-year students and a challenge to our library.
Challenge to our First-Year Students
ConnectEd is a game-based library First-Year Experience (FYE) in which first-year students are challenged to earn points by participating in library-sponsored events and by making connections to others on campus. ConnectED programs, based on the five literacies of PA Forward (an initiative of the Pennsylvania Library Association) are open to the entire Penn State York campus. This FYE culminates in the awarding of a $2014 prize to a participating first-year student to be used toward tuition for his or her sophomore year at Penn State York.
Challenge to the Penn State York library
Can participation in a library FYE increase student engagement in our campus community and support first-year student academic success? Piloting ConnectEd on our campus will help us try to answer that question.
The 2010 Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report challenges librarians to demonstrate “the value of academic and research libraries and their contribution to institutional mission and goals” (Association of College and Research Libraries, p. 6) and to do so in clear, measurable ways. The ConnectED pilot will be the first step to help our campus library respond to this challenge.
ConnectED: The Game
ConnectED: The Research