The Voice… of China?

So I am sure that everyone has at least heard of the TV show The Voice that included the famous coaches such as Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, and Blake Shelton. However, have you ever heard of The Voice of China? Interestingly enough, The Voice has become a popular show in many countries around the world, especially in China. The Voice just started its fourth season in China.

Here’s a commercial poster for the first season of The Voice of China:

The Voice of ChinaThe coaches of for this season were: Harlem Yu, Na Ying, Liu Huan, and Yang Kun (left to right)

Each one of these coaches have accomplished something amazing in music. Liu Huan was the one that sang the song “You and Me” with Sarah Brightman during 2008 Beijing Olympics. The three other coaches are all famous singers and music producers in China and Taiwan.

I had so much fun following this show back in 2012. So much talent! I enjoyed every singer that was selected. Here are some of my all-time favorite performances.

1. She was nicknamed the “Chinese Adelle” by netizens all across China

2. Crazy performances by these female singers that just makes you want to dance!

Summer: (STOP at 3:50)

Momo Wu: (STOP at 3:00)

3. These singers know how to add a twist onto a song!

Theway Zhang:

Duo Liang (多亮):

4. Then, there are these EPIC battles that I always love rewatching!

So CRAZY! (STOP 3:00)

5. Such energy!


This show is just so filled with energy, it puts me into the shoes of the singers every time I watch any of the episodes. I love the interaction between the singers and the coaches. So much fun and so funny! The coaches get so into the songs of each of the singers that sometimes they start crying or even dancing in their seats.

The Voice of China was so much fun for me to watch because I recognized so many of the songs and learned so many new ones. I enjoyed each song that performed in this show. Another reason I liked this show was because of the relationships that developed among the singers and with the coaches. I vividly remember one of the students being eliminated and the other one crying even though he was the one that was selected to go into the next round of judging. Coaches would break down into tears when they had to eliminate one of their students and this kind of friendship/ relationship just made it so much more meaningful and interesting for me to watch.

I only followed this show for one season since two of the coaches decided to stop after the first season and it became too different for me to continue since I grew to like all of the coaches from season one. However, I did continue to follow some of the signers that made an impression for me. Some of them are professional singers that have released their own albums and are becoming famous. It was interesting for m to investigate and find out what happened to these singers after they participated in the show. Which one of these videos did you enjoy watching?

4 thoughts on “The Voice… of China?

  1. I had no idea The Voice existed in other countries, it’s always good to learn something new. I really like this type of shows because it concentrates on people’s talent in singing rather than how they look or dance.

  2. They have so many look-alike shows like you showed in India, too! It’s so interesting to see something you would normally here about here, but with a cultural influence to it. That’s why I used to find Indian Idol so interesting! It’s also so crazy how the Voice has the same platform and battle rings and stage in both types of shows!

  3. Sadly, I forgot my headphones today! However, your writing was illustrative enough for me to gain an understanding of the show and its dynamics. I agree with Jon. This is definitely a unifying of cultures. It’s amazing that something as simple as a singing competition show can accomplish this!

  4. Its always cool to read about different countries and their culture. I see this as an acceptance of culture in the US and the integration of it into their society. It brings people together and spreads all types of music across the world! Those singers are AMAZING!!!

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