I am Aaron Wang (王立中), a Ph.D. candidate studying Meteorology in Penn State University. I have the background of fluid dynamics from both Meteorology and Mechanical Engineering. My research focuses on turbulence and its influence within atmospheric boundary layer in large-eddy simulations (LES). In my leisure time, I like playing fingerstyle guitar (you are welcome to visit my YouTube channel).
National Taiwan University (NTU)
– B.S. (2014): Major in Atmospheric Sciences
– B.S.E (2014): Major in Mechanical Engineering (double major)
– M.S. (2016): Major in Atmospheric Sciences
Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
– Ph.D. Student (2018-), Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
large-eddy simulation
– wall model
– advection scheme
– SGS model
boundary-layer meteorology
mesoscale meteorology
machine learning (have taken several classes but not applied to research, yet)