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I have a condition called Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD), it’s an autosomal recessive disease that affects the function of the cilia in my body. This primarily affects my lung function and sinuses, I suffer from recurring bronchitis and sinusitis a couple times a year. This disorder is pretty rare with 1 in every 16,000 individuals being affected. Even more than that I also have situs inversus totalis, which is a mirror image reversal of my organs (my go-to fun fact is that my heart is on the opposite side). This only occurs in 50% of people with PCD. I’ve lived my life with this rare disease and more recently I may have been diagnosed with another. 

I’ve been having problems with my eye sight since my senior year of highschool, so about 4 years ago. And within the past year or so I’ve noticed my vision has been getting worse and my glasses aren’t helping. I went to my eye doctor and he told me my prescription was virtually the same + I shouldn’t worry about my development of nearsightedness. I recently went to a different eye doctor because I was fed up with squinting all the time. This time, they were concerned about the results of my eye exam and had me return to do a test with my eyes dilated. This weekend I had that done and as it turns out I’m having some problems with my cornea, which may be a condition called keratoconus. Which is another rare disorder causing a misshapen cornea, this one occurs 1 in every 2,000 people. I seem to be having some bad luck.