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Hey guys,

The past week has bit a bit crazy. My horse, Pilot has had a slight fever all week. This weekend, it went to 104. A like humans, that temperature is dangerous and highly concerning. He has been on various antibiotics and his fever continues to rise. The vet has seen him 3 times in the last week and we all seem a bit confused.

Whether it is a dog, human or horse, any sort of health scare causes anxiety. Moreover, when the cause is unknown it can be even more stressful.

He got some bloodwork today and it gave very little clarity in what the next moves should be. This week I have a lot on my plate, even more than usual with midterms. I’m hoping to stay focused with all of this going on. I don’t really have any other choice.

If any of you have a family member or animals struggling with their health I hope they feel better soon. Hang in there. 🙂