Its 1300 words love you guys.

Rhetorical Analysis Draft: In the United States today, people are more divided then they’ve been in decades and in more ways than seem befitting for a country that prides itself on unity. Race, gender, political party, religion, if there’s a difference Americans can have between each other, there’s a fair chance they’ll argue about it. Read More…

Civic Analysis Speech Outline

Hey guys, This is the link to my speech outline in google drive( I think its pretty well structured, and that there’s plenty to talk about for four of five minutes. One thing I’m still on the fence about is whether or not to play some of the ad during my speech. I realize I Read More…

My Analysis Ideas

The Infamous Pepsi Commerical: Though I’m sure others will do it, my first idea is the now infamous Pepsi commercial, starring Kendall Jenner, and terrible police activism. 2. Global Warming Ad from the WWF 3.  Domestic Violence Ad Bloody Lips.   So, these are my 3 Main Ideas. I’ll edit this further if it turns Read More…

Basketball, Football, and Game of Thrones.

Read the title. What more could the average young male between ages 16-25 ask for in a website? If you, like so many other people, like a dash of pop culture mixed in with all kinds of articles, videos, podcasts, and interviews, then The Ringer is possible the best site you can visit. The Ringer( Read More…