PAS8: The end for Trends :(

Sadly, while I enjoy analyzing trends, it must all come to an end. Over this semester, we have reviewed some of my favorite trends, and while they are all iconic, the theme has been maintained whether they are here to stay or will they go.

For this post, I want to shed some insight into how I feel about trends but this time nonmaterial ones.

On a personal level, clothing has always had the effect of making me feel special. What you wear can and does express who you are, who you would like to be, and how you would like others to perceive you. As a young woman, I feel like there are many more pressures on appearance for us than young men. The theme that we must look, dress and act a certain way has evolved but hasn’t completely changed. I think it’s essential to treat this like a trend. In some eras, it’s been strong, and in others, weak and less prominent.

However, why does it feel like we are going backward like this trend is coming back?

This trend needs to end for good. Women should solely make decisions for women. We live in a generation where bashing and shaming young girls is so common it’s not unusual, and now more than ever, I feel like girls do it to other girls instead of having each other’s backs. It’s so important to me that this ends because if it continues, I am scared for how our future women will treat each other. I chose to talk about trends because one thing that I found interesting was how they are inclusive. Anyone can be a part of a trend; for many, the feeling of being part of something is all they want.

This moves us into one aggravating misconception about how women choose to dress who they are dressing for. This one bugs me. However, I think all my young women can agree that now more than ever, we see more girls talk about how they aren’t dressing for the male gaze but for the girls on the street that compliment them, and I can attest to this. When another girl compliments my outfit or style, I feel amazing inside, and many can agree. It gives you confidence, and I like to pay it forward. When I see someone’s style or outfit that I like, I tell them because I know that if it were me, I would like to hear it, and you’d be surprised how much you can change someone’s day with a compliment.

So, I would like to propose a new trend to my loyal readers…LOL. Make compliments the latest trend,  I know many of us sometimes feel awkward and scared to praise someone, but I urge you to do it. If you see someone and you think, wow, they look great, or I think their outfit is so cool, tell them!!! You’d be surprised by what it can do and the possible new friendships you can make. This trend is called uplifting our fellow women because there are already enough efforts to tear us down.

This trend is amazing, and I adore it. I hope it’s here to stay! <3

One thought on “PAS8: The end for Trends :(

  1. I think it is very important for women to come up with their own trends and define what beauty means to them. No one woman should feel that their image isn’t ideal. I think we all should break this trend on the “ideal woman” image.

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