Blog Post 4 – My young childhood staples

When I was a little girl, and my family would go on the road or on small car trips, I watched movies. Our SUV had two TVs on the back of the front seats and a wide range of selections. I always found myself going towards two films, The Goonies, and The Princess Bride. These were my childhood staples, and I owe my excellent movie taste to these two memorable movies… LOL. All joking aside, these movies sparked my young imagination and sense of adventure. I was a kid that loved to play outside, explore, climb trees, etc. Half the time, I wanted to be a princess, and the other half to be a CIA agent. I think a lot of this comes from my first two favorite movies. The Princess Bride added a new photo. - The Princess Bride

Starting strong, The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite movies. For me, this movie was one that no matter how many times you’ve seen it, you could watch it again. With love and adventure, it had me in awe at such a young age. For those of you who haven’t had the privilege of seeing the 1987 film, it’s about a young boy who is sick, and his grandfather comes to read him a story, which seg-ways into the storyline of the beautiful young woman named Buttercup and her one true love, Westly. After being separated for a long time, he knows he must find and save her from the evil of the Kingdom of Florin. While many haven’t seen this fantastic movie, you probably know some famous lines. One line in particular that I love is, “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” I won’t share the context in hopes that all readers with it. However, you must remember that it won’t be the same camera quality as the movies today, but you don’t watch for the high quality. You care for the story (and the quality isn’t that bad. It just isn’t what our generation is accustomed to). Overall, the famous William Goldman novel turned into a movie is worth the watch.

The Goonies streaming: where to watch movie online?Moving on to a movie people are more familiar with, The Goonies, following the theme of love, adventure, and danger, with some comedy, this film is a childhood must, and if you haven’t seen it, I feel bad because you are missing out. No matter the time, you can watch this movie, and kids today still do. It’s what you would call a timeless film. However, I will give a small summary for those who haven’t seen it. A group of friends decides to go on a treasure hunt because a property developing company plans to destroy their home to build a country club. They find a map in the attic and follow it underground, searching for some lost treasure. They face many dangers but stick together and become even closer and bonded. You may know the famous slogan, “Goonies Never Say Die,” well, this is where it came from. This movie also has comedy built into it, and while the last film may not intrigue young boys as much, this one pulls in all. It makes the list of Hall of Fame movies, and the most significant part is that it isn’t just a staple for one generation. My dad, mom, and many others older than me enjoyed it in their childhood, and so did I, which makes it even more remarkable.

These two movies truly sparked my interest in great fun adventure films, and I will never forget them, probably because I’ve seen them a million times, but also because they are just that good.

One thought on “Blog Post 4 – My young childhood staples

  1. Good post! Personally, I’m a huge princess bride fan:) Your writing is really good and relatable! Even though I had different childhood movies, your post still evoked strong feelings of nostalgia in me. – VP

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