Blog Post 3 – A collection of Four True Stories

In this week’s post, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite movies in one of my favorite genres, true stories. When trying to narrow down which one to talk about, I concluded that I could not pick a favorite between the five, so instead, I have decided to take a different approach and share the four that come to mind, all equally as good and worth seeing and make the Hall of Fame for this genre. Four stories turned into incredible movies that inspire and encourage others to realize their dreams, not letting past struggles, financial burdens, race, or sex take away an opportunity. These are the best types of movies, and everyone one of them has stuck with me since, in order of when I saw them.

Ben Carson's surgeries separated twins, didn't always save them - The Boston GlobeGifted hands, the story of Ben Carson, and the first true story I saw in the fifth grade changed me. A young African-American boy who was not a great academic student overcame his obstacles with the help of his mom, who had a 3rd-grade education and was a housekeeper. He became a renowned neurosurgeon who led a 70-member surgical team that separated conjoined twins in 1987. He inspires many, and his story instilled confidence that I can do anything I dream or set my mind to.

Hidden Figure is a story of three women who began working at NASA as a part of the West Computers, a segregated The Incredible Women of Hidden Figures | astrobitesgroup of African American women hired to process aeronautic data in the Space Race era. Went on to define odds, Dorothy Vaughan became the first African-American female supervisor in NASA history in 1949. Then, Mary Jackson received an opportunity to pursue her true passion for engineering and succeeded in becoming the first black female engineer in 1958, another first for NASA. Lastly, Katherine Johnson’s master calculations helped synchronize Project Apollo’s Lunar Module with the lunar-orbiting Command and Service Module and later received praise and were awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama. This story is impressive, a true testament to strength and determination. All of these women were vital to several other monumental projects in NASA, and not only inspired women to pursue male-dominated jobs but also brought hope to other races, showing that you can make any opportunity happen. Judged by their brains and not the color of their skin, sex, or religion. They paved the way for women to be taken as seriously and intelligently as men in the stem field.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg - WikipediaOn the Basis of Sex, the story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the second woman to serve as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. This film is based on the life and early cases that changed her life. Hardworking and determined, she is an inspiration to all women. This film and her story resonated with me because I have always wanted to pursue a career in law, and to see what she fought through to be taken seriously and be equal in another male-dominated field encourages me. She made it so today. Women can get more careers in that field, and their impact is eternal.

Home - Jackie Robinson42, the story of Jackie Robinson and the struggles and abuse of bigots he endured as he became the first African-American Major League Baseball player. While all these stories and movies brought tears to my eyes, this one greatly affected me. I still admire his strength and the monumental change it had on America’s Pass time. He is an inspiration to many, especially young baseball players. Bringing hope and uniting people to accept him for who he is and his talent rather than how he looks. From the beginning to the end, you see firsthand the shift of mindsets from his teammates and fans of the game, made possible because of Branch Rickey, who saw a need for change.

To end my favorite true stories collection, I want to mention two I did not get to discuss briefly in this post, The Butler and The pursuit of Happiness, both impactful and worth the watch. I hope one of these movies/stories has moved and intrigued you because I strongly urge you to watch, if not all, at least one. The lessons and takeaways are so positively affecting. They will alter and bring out new respect and connections that you will implement in your life.

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