Welcome Page!

Hi all! My name is Anna Lermer, and I am a first-year student a part of the Rhetoric and Civic Life course at Pennsylvania State University. 

I’m from Naples, Florida. Yes, I know you’re probably asking yourself why you would come to Pennsylvania if you live in most people’s paradise. Well, as I have answered almost a dozen times this week, the answer is simple. I wanted a change in scenery and pace. My intended major is Psychology, but I have many other interests. This semester I am taking criminology and political science courses. I find human behavior, politics, and communication within our society extremely interesting. 

My interests outside of class vary. I am very active and enjoy exercise. As well as going to the beach, I love cooking, online shopping, and watching movies. Some may even say I’m a fanatic. I am what you would call a “foodie,” I enjoy great food, I’m the friend that always picks the restaurants, is constantly scrolling through yelp, and tries to stay away from chains. I am a social butterfly. I love meeting new people and having deep/meaningful conversations. I don’t make vanilla on-the-surface conversations as often, maybe because I’m what you would call an open book.

Rhetoric and Civic Life provides a place for students to learn about our society’s communication. We will gain new perspectives, allowing us to express our opinions and hear from others. As the class continues, we will dive into various topics. This class gives us numerous opportunities to participate and engage in discussion through writing and public speaking. Positive feedback from our professor and peers and significant constructive criticism will advance our development. While my RCL posts will be about more critical topics within our society, my PAS posts will be a thread of eight posts about one of my many passions, trends. In this blog thread, I will discuss and reflect on my favorite trends and analyze how we have seen them come,go, and evolve. I like to put it as fashions way of recycling. I hope my readers enjoy my perspective and gain something from each post. 

I am very open-minded and love to hear from others, build off thoughts, and even respectfully disagree sometimes, but I try to understand others’ points and opinions. I hope this intro was exciting and has intrigued you to check out my Passion and RCL posts.