
Following the success of our 2023 conference, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona (USA) is delighted to announce the upcoming 2024 virtual International Conference on Empirical Economics. Scheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2024 (Eastern Time, UTC-05:00), this event promises to build upon the success of its predecessor. We extend a warm invitation for you to contribute by submitting your paper.

There are no submission or registration fees for the upcoming conference. However, we only accept working papers that our paper review committee considers well-developed.

All sessions of the conference will be held on Zoom.

Besides presenting papers, our upcoming conference provides additional avenues for participation.

Mission of Conference

We strive to ignite innovation and foster collaboration among economists through an accessible and inclusive online experience.

Scope of Conference

The focus of the conference is empirical economics, though interesting theoretical economics papers are welcome too.

Format of Presentations

All participants will present their papers on the web-conference platform Zoom. Each presentation session will have three 25-minute presentations, including Q&A. Each presenter will have a designated discussant. All participants are welcome to attend all sessions and participate in discussions.

Paper Submission

Please submit your paper on the SUBMIT PAPER page.

Submission/Registration Fees

There are no submission or registration fees for the upcoming conference.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Submission: April 15, 2024, Eastern Time (UTC -05:00)
  • Confirmation of Valid Submission from Us: By April 18, 2024
  • Acceptance Letter: By May 15, 2024
    • Admitted participants must confirm their plan to attend by May 31 (details to be included in acceptance letter).
    • Admitted participants must upload discussant slides by July 20 (details to be included in acceptance letter).
  • Conference: Saturday, August 3, 2024, Eastern Time (UTC -05:00, i.e., New York Time)

Contact Information

  • Host: Xuebing Yang, Associate Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA (ALECONHost@psu.edu)
  • Program: Mark Agee, Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Publicity: Huilan Zhang, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Director of Logistics: Debra Flaig, Director of Center for Workforce and Career Development, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA

Advisory Board of Conference

  • Todd Batzel, Administration Consultant of BEIST, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Peter Hopsicker, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Leigh Ann Haefner, Division Head, Education, Human Development, and Social Sciences, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Edward Levri, Interim Division Head, Business of BEIST, Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA

Email Subscription Management

  • Please visit our Contact Us page.

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