With the fiscal year coming to an end, I want to go over some of the environmental development works we’ve done for various projects I haven’t yet covered on the blog. There’s been a few different smaller projects and experiments that involved creating some varied VR spaces.
First, a modification of an old project space. The office from the IVAN project actually works very well for many small office experiences. One such experience we’re working on required an interview space, so we consolidated the IVAN environment and removed the excess models/materials to have a simple office package.
Next up, we have a small café environment we’re developing for another nutrition based project, this time involving the Oculus’ visual passthrough to test mixed reality eating. I’ll probably be making a more in depth post about this at a later point, but for here’s a sample of how the café shaped up, with some placeholder NPC characters around to create more atmosphere.
Finally, we go into a more fantastical concept. For this project, we’re exploring the effects of misinformation within a VR space. As such, we needed to create our own “VR Hub” like one would find in a game like VR Chat. We had several concepts we worked through, before deciding on this open, circular design partially inspired by the level selection hub from Crash Bandicoot 3, with spokes leading to different “portals” to other VR worlds. There’s also two variations of the world, one with more realistic texturing and one with flat 2D textures as part of the experiment.
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