Passion in a Photograph

Passion, It is what separates the good from the great, and in this picture Obama showed what really made him great his passion for what he believes in. During his speech on gun violence in the United States, he began to tear up when mentioning the 1st graders who died during the Sandy Hook Massacre. As I watched his speech he showed that he truly cared; however, through his emotions he showed the real passion he had. The tears showed he truly cared for the lives that are lost and could put himself in their position as a father and the empathy he had for all of those affected by gun violence as he sought to bring about meaningful change so it could never happen again.

Presidents are usually seen as stoic leaders of the free world, and Obama never failed to provide this image, yet in this moment, he showed the nation that it is okay to cry and feel these emotions as the damage and hurt guns had brought to many people’s lives needed to be remembered. While Obama shed some tears, he still remained stoic as he addressed the nation. Even as tears came down his face he showed he was stoic in his mannerisms and also just in his dress. Professional and presidential was the look as he came out in a somber tone to address the nation. This is impressive as he allowed himself to be open and emotional in front of a nation, while still remaining presidential. This is a unique way of leading a nation as it shows that it is okay to show emotions towards these tragedies

What is lastly important about this picture is the faces of the people behind Obama remaining strong throughout his speech. They had faced these issues also and were impacted, yet they remained strong as the president was shook to tears, and that is one of the most important aspects of this picture. This holding strong shows the passion of the president being one of the few people in tears at this moment, and also the strength of the people affected to remain strong and stoic as they support the new gun control measure.

The juxtaposition in Obama as he cries, yet remains stoic, and the involvement of others shows the true impact of this photograph and speech. Passion and empathy in the highest office of the United States was perfectly exemplified in this photograph which shows its true power.

Obama Photograph

3 thoughts on “Passion in a Photograph”

  1. I was here under the covers with my notebook eating french fries and looking at this picture.. All I can say is he was the best president you’ll ever have. Never has the world felt safer than with this man. He cried when he was sad, smiled when he was happy, playing basketball because he loves it. A human being, not a robot with his hand on a button. And he was out of control with Bear Grylls. And 150 Secret Service guys… loved that guy.

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