PAS: Disneyland Ghosts?


In California, Anaheim, there was a couple in a haunted house. The boyfriend asked his girlfriend to hold his hand as she was afraid, he felt that her hand was icy. However, the girlfriend was not holding his hand. The one that held the boyfriends’ hand was a ghost.


Disneyland is the place for children’s dream and fantasy. However, one day, there have been rumors that there are ghosts in Disneyland.

The rumors were that the people who visited the haunted house witnessed a real ghost. Several people in the haunted house saw the ghost of a young boy.

Even after the haunted house is closed, people could hear the boy’s laughter at night.
There was also a weird picture taken of the young boy.


That is not all

As they placed a 14th-century witch book in the haunted house, objects started to float around the air or disappear. It was a Poltergeist phenomenon. A Poltergeist phenomenon is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed.

“Cast members had the hardest time keeping the book in the upright position. The table would often be turned over, or the book would be somewhere else. They finally had to replace it.”
-Maria Weiske, former cast member

After this, the 14th-century witch book has been replaced to a regular book.


After the incidents in Disneyland, people have noticed that the ghost that appeared in the haunted house, was actually a boy who died a long time ago.

In 1973, two brothers visited Disneyland. The brothers wanted to enjoy their time more in Disneyland, so they hid in an island before the theme park was closed. The island is like a fortress surrounded by water. The only way to enter and exit is to ride a boat. However, after the park was closed the boat has been removed, and the brothers were left on the island. The only way to go out was to swim out from the island. However, the brothers drowned in the water. Thankfully the younger brother was rescued in the morning, but the older brother died from drowning.

By this, people thought that the dead brother’s ghost left on the Disneyland and scared people off.



It is not only the haunted house that a ghost has been witnessed.

On the train rollercoaster, the ghost would sit next to the passenger and would jump off the train.
In the toy theme park, the toys would move or blink their eyes at night.

“Many cast members claim that after dark the dolls in “It’s a small world” come to life, switching places or disappearing altogether.”

In Main Street, a female ghost wearing a 19th-century gown would walk around the street at night.



Many people claimed that the ghosts are the people who died from the incidents in Disneyland.

There have always been incidents every year as 15 million people are visiting the park.

In the 1970s, a construction welder died in an accident. Also, a cast member who worked at a play had died from the spinning stage.

There have been other rumors that the ghosts had gathered in Disneyland because Walt Disney was a Satanist.


One day, a new opinion came out. The reason that there were ghosts in Disneyland was that of people’s honored dust.

In 1994, a cast member who worked at Disneyland wrote a book that people who wanted to share memories or visit the theme park would spread the dust in the park.
The people’s dust would become a ghost and appear.


In 2009, a surveillance camera caught a ghost hanging around the park after closing. The video was found that it was not manipulated.
What do you think?
Are there ghosts in the Disney Parks?



“Surprise” ep. 758  03/26/17

3 thoughts on “PAS: Disneyland Ghosts?

  1. This is so cool to read….Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on earth…yet the souls of the dead still walk the earth to haunt this place? Cool as shit. I’ve never heard that Walt Disney was a satanist before, and that is probably one of the most shady things I’ve heard in a while. I am big into conspiracies and now I wanna look more into this. Cool post!

  2. I think this topic is so interesting!! I have always been into the super natural world and reading about this always strikes my interest. I had no idea any of these things went down at Disneyland and now it really makes me want to go back!

  3. I never knew there were so many ghost stories at Disney Parks! It’s so creepy to think about a funny family place might be extremely haunted but after all your stories I am starting to think that maybe it’s true.

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