Pumpkin Decorating on Hallow’s Eve

By Michelle Thompson
Photos by Jeena Cadigan

T’was the night before Halloween and all through the campus, not a student was studying– because they were carving pumpkins in Slep!

On Monday, Oct. 30, the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association hosted a pumpkin carving/decorating event in the Slep Student Center. As long as students brought their own pumpkins, they were provided with paint, carving utensils, refreshments and even some spooky music to aid the artistic process. Many participants opted for painting rather than carving their pumpkins, but all designs were nothing short of creative.

Anais Feliciano, Junior


“They told me it couldn’t be done, so I proved them wrong,” said Junior Anais Feliciano, showing off her Pikachu pumpkin carving.


However, aside from getting students in the Halloween spirit and to have fun, the event was also held to raise money for a book drive that SPSEA would be holding in December for Child and Youth Services, according to SPSEA President Nicole Brown.

At a table off to the side, there was a donation jar for participants to drop some spare change, which Brown said would help the SPSEA supply the books for the event and advocate for child literacy. She noted that boxes for additional book donations for the event would be set up around campus in the coming months.





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