Staff Advisory Council
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 | Zoom Mtg | 10:00 a.m.
Present: Michele Bettwy, Toni Feret, Rachel Fowkes, Angel Goldian, Deb Flaig, Tom Hatch, Tom Koehle, Chris Lawson, Drew McGhee, Dave McGreal, Ginny Norris, Cindy Royal, Jennifer Sabourin, Erin Shumac, Janine Strasser
Guest: June Aiken
Excused: Taylor Peterson
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chair, Michele Bettwy, at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Minutes approved: The May meeting minutes were approved by the committee.
1. All Staff Retreat (Angel Goldian):
The All-Staff Retreat was held virtually on May 19th with approximately 61 online attendees. There were 40 responses to the survey. Overall the responses were positive and favorable comments for Rick Capozzi’s presentation, ‘Thriving During Chaotic and Stressful Times’. The All Staff Retreat was recorded and Debbie Flaig offered to add it to SharePoint in the near future.
1. New Members (Michele Bettwy):
Michele welcomed all newly elected members to the Staff Advisory Council
Tom Hatch, Manager, Engineering Labs
Rachel Fowkes, Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Debbie Flaig, Education and Training/Adult Enrollment
2. Salute a Champion (Michele Bettwy): Salute a Champion nominations for May were: Office of Strategic Communications and Facilities and Operations.
Nominations over the summer can be submitted and will be announced in the fall.
3. Department Events/Council Members:
Tom Koehle – (1) Lions Youth Basketball Camp/Co-ed Youth Basketball Skills Camp will offered in July, led by Dave McGreal and John Carey, Director of Recreation & Athletics Facilities will be sending out an email with the details. Also, as a Penn State Altoona employee, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews are eligible for a 25% discount.
(2) Alumni Society is hosting the Kids Golf Tournament on August 23 2021. The event benefits the Blair County Children’s Advocacy Center, the Penn State Altoona Alumni Society scholarship program, and Penn State Altoona Athletics Student-Athletic Health and Wellness initiates.
Debbie Flaig – Summer 2021 Kids’ College camps will be virtual this year. The list of camps and online registration can be found at https// A 10% discount is being offered for registrations received before May 31st. Also, as a Penn State Altoona employee, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews are eligible for a 25% discount.
Cindy Royal – Congratulated Athletics for completing the extensive steps to be able to offer the in-person the Lions Youth Basketball Camp. Tom Koehle noted a both Dave McGreal and John Carey were integral in making this happen.
Toni Feret – Several upcoming events are being planned. (1) Community for Kids Golf Tournament set for August 3, (2) Book Club –The next book is The Dutch House by Ann Patchett, discussion will be held on June 22nd, (3) WE ARE Weekend Presentation – will be held virtually this year on Thursday, Jun 17th, will offer a video of the campus and a panel of faculty from the Engineering Department will shared information and answer questions from viewers. (4) Yoga with Toni Feret – Virtual Yoga sessions are offered every third Tuesday of the month from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
STAFF ISSUES/QUESTIONS: Questions/Answers (Michele Bettwy)
Q: Is it possible for new hires to receive information about their workplace and community?
a) The history of Penn State Altoona written by Dr. Bechetel-Wherry and Dr. Ken Womack as part of the welcome to Penn State Altoona?
b) Also, is there a book written by Jared Frederick on the history of Altoona
OTHER: (Michele Bettwy): Michele shared the Executive Committee discussed and concluded there will be no Staff Advisory Committee Meetings for July and August. Meetings will resume in September. A date to be determined as well as in-person meetings or continue meetings via zoom. Also, it was the consensus to move the SAC communication to SharePoint.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.