Staff Advisory Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 | Zoom Mtg | 10:00 a.m.
Present: Michele Bettwy, Angel Goldian, Rachel Fowkes, Drew McGhee, Ginny Norris, Cindy Royal,
Unavailable: Debbie Flaig, Tom Hatch, Tom Koehle, Chris Lawson, Taylor Peterson, Jennifer Sabourin, Erin Shumac, Janine Strasser
Guest: Chancellor Bechtel -Wherry
Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Chair, Angel Goldian at 10:02 a.m.
1. Approve Meeting Minutes – September (Angel Goldian): September meeting minutes were approved by Chris Lawson and Tom Hatch.
2. All Staff Retreat Committee Update (Angel Goldian): We’ve received several volunteers to assist with the 2022 All Staff Retreat planning. Members of the committee include Debbie Flaig, Angel Goldian, Matt Gueguen, Patti Jurcik, Nicole McCloskey, Megan Keener, and Jennifer Sabourin.
3. Follow-up on Staff Suggestion: Railroaders Memorial Museum (Angel Goldian): Angel spoke with the Chancellor regarding the suggestion made by Harriett Gaston at our meeting in September (**see below). The Chancellor gave approval to move forward with obtaining information regarding the event at the Railroaders Memorial Museum. She’s also asked the All Staff Retreat Planning Committee to plan for in-person but have a virtual event backup plan should anything change with COVID-19 in the next few months. Tom Koehle offered to follow-up with Jared Frederick and his brother Mark regarding the event. Angel will reach out to him to gather more details.
Chancellor Bechtel-Wherry commented, “We have a great relationship with the Director of the Railroaders Museum. We just hosted our Rail Transportation Engineering Board meeting on October 12th, and the evening of the 11th we had our board meeting dinner at the Railroaders Memorial Museum. Joe DeFrancisco is great guy and all about history and railroading. We are going to look at offering courses down there such as the history of rail, which is part of the program, and other types of collaboration. I’m meeting with the board and we’re looking at ways to expand our partnership. This is a really cool place and a great idea for the retreat this year.”
1. Officer Elections (Angel Goldian): We conducted a silent vote to fill the open officer positions for the new fiscal year. Those in current executive roles were excluded from the silent nominations. Congratulations to the staff listed below.
- Chair-elect: Chris Lawson
- Secretary: Debbie Flaig
- Secretary-elect: Cindy Royal
2. Teams Overview (Angel Goldian/Chris Lawson): Angel and Chris met after the September meeting to discuss Zoom settings for the SAC meetings and the option of using Teams for meetings in the future. Chris created a Staff Advisory Council group in Teams and Angel uploaded all past meeting information and council member details from the BOX migration. All SAC members have access to the information at any time. Chris and Angel thought it might be a good idea to move meetings to Teams, so Chris gave a brief overview of its features.
Chris: We would be using Teams to launch everything and what’s nice about this, is it integrates well with the Microsoft Office 365 Suite. We’re all using Outlook for email so when we’re setting up meetings in Teams that’s automatically going to populate in Outlook. We don’t have to go to any external services like Zoom, everything’s tied within. Through the Office 365 service, we can access our files quickly on the SharePoint that I created which basically works like a kind of departmental website or share space for us but there’s other things than just a shared drive. We can use the notes feature, we can have breakout committees, etc. I want to see where everybody stands if you guys are willing to move forward on that? If so, in a future meeting, I can do a quick DEMO on everything for everyone.
Council members thought it was a good idea to see how it all works together. Chris offered to show a demo at the November meeting.
3. Salute a Champion Nominees – September (Angel Goldian):
- James Hauser, nominated by Austin Sauger
- Janine Strasser, nominated by Mitch Bonsell
- Altoona Housing and Food Services, nominated by Tim Keyser
- Corien Bakersman & Gina Baird, nominated by Cathy Kozak.
- Dee Mattern, nominated by Tom Hatch
- Jonathan O’Harrow, nominated by Amber Friday
Nominations for October will be accepted through November 5th.
4. Departmental Updates/Announcements – Council Members:
- Information Technology – Drew McGhee: IT is working on some wireless connection issues in Hawthorn. We brought UP in to look at this issue and with us using more and more features of CANVAS and Top Hat, University Park did confirm that we need to make some upgrades in Hawthorn and Slep Pond View. I just wanted to get back to everybody that may have been involved with connection issues to let them know we’re working on it. As soon as we have the updated wireless access points here, we’ll begin putting them in place. The plan is to do batches of them in the morning, starting early before classes start. By the end of the semester, we should have the connection issue problems that have been reported, now corrected.
- Academic Advising Office – Erin Shumac: As each of you are working with students and interacting with them, please remind them that they should be checking in with their advisors if they haven’t already. Some students are already able to schedule for spring. We’re just trying to get the word out there that we need to see them need to work with them.
- Continuing Education – Cindy Royal: Everything been fine in CE and we’re doing great. Career Services is having several open houses this week and next week, so you might want to check their social media account. Norfolk Southern is coming and Nursing is tomorrow here in our building; it’s another one for businesspeople. People are looking for jobs, people are looking for employees, have them check with Career Services.
- Engineering Lab – Tom Hatch: I would like to add, the Engineering lab is running smoothly. The students are back on campus doing their senior projects and everything’s been going really. We received news from Peter Hopsicker that we are going to get a $6,000 allowance for the camp where we do poster printing and stuff for the campus, and it’s been being utilized a lot this this year. We’re very, very thankful for that. Everything’s been going great; it’s been awesome to see the kids back on campus.
Final Comment – Chancellor Bechtel-Wherry: I would like to take a moment to thank the Staff Advisory Council and staff in general for their Herculean efforts over this past two years. I was so thankful and impressed with the resiliency of everyone, how everybody stepped up to help our students and we kept meeting our mission throughout this whole unprecedented time. I just couldn’t be more thankful for all that you have done and continue to do. I want you to know how very much I appreciate each of you, and not just those on this zoom call, but all staff. I have been so impressed with how people have come together to still meet our mission, support our students, and watch out for them. I appreciate each one of you and your efforts, thank you.
STAFF ISSUES/QUESTIONS: Questions/Answers (Angel Goldian)
**Submitted Suggestion (Harriett Gaston): “I attended an event on August 5 at the Railroaders Memorial Museum entitled “After Hours History”. The event provided a tour of the museum and the roundhouse and introduced attendees to the history of the railroad in Altoona and the people who worked on the railroads. There also was liquid refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres provided for the attendees. I think that this would be a good way to introduce Altoona to new and “seasoned” employees. FYI, Jared Frederick is a volunteer at the Railroad Museum and his brother, Mark works there (both are Penn State Altoona graduates) and Jared teaches history at Penn State Altoona.”
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
NEXT MEETING: November 10, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom