Politically Speaking,

Political Civic Issues

Should weed legalize or should weed not?

Medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, refers to the use of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), as medical therapy to treat disease, act as pain relief, or alleviate symptoms. The Cannabis plant has a history… Continue Reading →

School Prayer

School prayer is a political issue that is rarely discussed, but a heavily debated topic when brought up. When I was younger, I remember stories my grandpa would tell me about his days in public school in the 1930s. His… Continue Reading →

Global Warming

The definition of global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. When dealing with politics, global warming is normally… Continue Reading →

The Ban on Trans

Over 134,000 Americans consider themselves transgender, and over 15,000 transgender people are serving in the military today. Before 2016, persons who identify as transgender– a word that describes people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit… Continue Reading →

The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. Capital punishment is very much legal here in the United States, and it is still used by thirty states, the federal government, and… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Abortion is a political topic that separates people easily. Although there are always exceptions, conservatives, and people most of the Catholic religion tend to be Pro-Life, and liberals and most non-Catholics tend to be Pro-Choice. What does it mean, however,… Continue Reading →

The Wall

Two words that can absolutely kill any conversation in a heartbeat, or make it come alive: The Wall. The Wall is so infamously known, that it does not even need any clarification of what it is–it is just referred to… Continue Reading →

The Debate on Gun Control: A Road-Block

For my first civic issues blog post, I wanted to dive right into a topic that has been extremely debatable over the past two decades and started to really become an issue with the first school mass-shooting, Columbine High School…. Continue Reading →

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